sega saturn micro sd?

15 Sep 2006
hey guys im drunk but curious about somthing.

i have 2 sega saturns in the attic, one is the orginal 1995 uk one with the oval buttons the other one is a stupid one with round buttons.

i see theres mods to replace the cd drive for a sd card, are they any good and also how would i go linking up a saturn to a modern tv or monitor?

i have 2 spare 27 inch monitors and a 32 inch tv spare.

last time i had a saturn hooked up to a tv it was a scart cable.....

i wouldnt normally ask this but as every one knows saturn emulation sucks and i have about 60 game discs in the attic :)
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im guessing theres not any cheaper options?

edit: the price on these ones sound a bit pricey for me and not sure i can justify the cost, seems like something to keep in mind though, assuming the 2 i have still power up :)
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