Self Assessment Tax Return - Started a new job end of March

31 May 2005
Just filling out my 20/21 self assessment for the year, and in an odd situation where I started a new job on the 29th March and haven't been paid as it rolls into April payment. I've moved from one employer to another and so no actually received any additional income during that period. Anyone know if this should be declared but simply add zero income during the period? Or should it just be left off? Might have to phone HMRC on this one, but if anyone knows the answer great
It’s due in jan 2022. Why you doing it now ?
Always get mine done right away, not self employed so easy to get it done and out of the way. No need to leave it until last minute, although I know a lot of people do. This way I also benefit sooner from SIPP tax reimbursement quicker and get it invested.
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