Much of my trouble with photography is feeling very self-conscious.
I have this problem where I feel very self-conscious simply carrying a camera about generally, but I still manage do it. Though hide it when possible...
I know I could improve a great many of my shots carrying a tripod, but I never do as I just feel silly for some reason.
Then there is taking photographs of people... I will sometimes see something involving a person, but I won't take the picture, as it feels like an invasion of privacy. So I always try my best to have people out of pictures.
Most recent example was just this last Sunday in a park, testing out video functionality, and I felt so bad when I had the camera pointed at some people with their dogs. And I was really trying hard to hide camera from passers by.
How the hell do I get over these issues of mine?
I have a lot of technical hurdles to overcome in the next couple of months, but I really need to start tackling my personal issues when taking photos.
I have this problem where I feel very self-conscious simply carrying a camera about generally, but I still manage do it. Though hide it when possible...
I know I could improve a great many of my shots carrying a tripod, but I never do as I just feel silly for some reason.
Then there is taking photographs of people... I will sometimes see something involving a person, but I won't take the picture, as it feels like an invasion of privacy. So I always try my best to have people out of pictures.
Most recent example was just this last Sunday in a park, testing out video functionality, and I felt so bad when I had the camera pointed at some people with their dogs. And I was really trying hard to hide camera from passers by.
How the hell do I get over these issues of mine?
I have a lot of technical hurdles to overcome in the next couple of months, but I really need to start tackling my personal issues when taking photos.