Self entitled people

9 Feb 2009
Up North
Hi all,

I'm happy to be shot down if I'm well off the mark or I've not absorbed the general public feeling, but I feel there is a massive issue in the self entitlement of some people.

Was listening to the Radio the other day, specifically about the booster vaccines.

A lady was on having a moan about having to drive her 89 year old mother 6 miles to an appointment for a booster, and additionally moaned that there was no step free access.

Clearly, for anybody disabled I'd expect there to be arrangements in place to suit the specific circumstances, and I would hope the booking representative would interrogate the specific requirements of a person, but clearly where a person who requires assistance has the help of their family, is it really much if an inconvenience for a son/daugher etc to go slightly out of their way to help, I know I'd have no issue with this.

Just does my head in, when people have a moan for no valid reason and expect the damn world served on a plate to them.
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Not enough information.
Was the issue the distance they had to travel or that she had to take her mother?
Her complaint about step free access seems valid to me. Why do you think it is invalid?

Seems like this thread was started so you could have good moan.

The interview was quite brief on Radio 2, and the impression I got was that the daughter was more than capable of helping her mother, but was more annoyed by the fact that an appointment was not on the immediate doorstep and not requiring her help (think of a typical Jeremy Vine interviewee).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not having a moan, and the demographic on the radio show might not be typical of the general populus, I assume they'll pick people to incense opinions, but if I'm wrong and people do think this way we're never going to get out of this situation.
Looking more and more like we don't have don't have enough information.

Sorry, got nothing more to add in a context sense, this was the crux of the few minutes of the interview on the radio show.

As a conclusion, but maybe not relevant to the general populus as a whole if the radio show is selecting guests who are controversial, is that there is an issue with persons who won't go slightly out of their way to help their, or their immediates situations, aka being self entitled.
I think to conclude the thread, if a person can help others then please do so without having an expectation of being waited on, as imperfect as the world is there is a lot we can do together.

What does my nut in is people who moan and make a mountain out of a molehill.

But I'm not heartless and can see the virtue in equality, and there are situations where a person may need additional assistance, and in those situations it is more than justified.
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While I agree there's many many self entitled people... I'm not sure this is necessarily a good example of that. If the mother is 89 that lady could easily be 70+ herself, I know plenty of people that age that are no longer confident enough to drive further than 2 minutes down the road to the newsagents and would definitely struggle to get a 89 year old up steps.

Didn't hear the call though so the full conversation might have made it more obvious she was just entitled rather than frustrated/struggling herself. :p

In hindsight maybe I was being a bit harsh not knowing the caller's full background, but I do think there is a general theme where some people are not even slightly prepared to go moderately out of their way to help the greater good.
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