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Sell my 1700 and get a 2700 or wait for Ryzen 4000

16 Jan 2013
hey folks so Basically there is going to be a big sale on a certain site in a few days and im predicting the 2700 will fall to about the 150 mark i currently have a 1700 running on the stock cooler but i am upgrading to a 2070 Super next month i game at 2560x1080 144hz.

Im going to be also getting a Deepcool Castle 360mm AIO and have some Thermal grizzly lying around so should be able to overclock my current chip to 3.9 or a 2700 to 4.2 from what ive seen it will be about a 15fps increase between the chips im not sure what a second hand 1700 goes for but im assuming about 125 so would only be a 25 pound upgrade any help is greatly appreciated?
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