Sell up now - don't think I'll be using my kit for a while

13 Jan 2010
Keep toying with the idea of selling up my DSLR kit.
All of it maybe.

I haven't got the camera out in 4 months.
The thing is I not sure when/if I will again.

The concern is that more and more people seem to be switching to 4/3 systems and i don't want to be left with severely depreciated lenses.

I'd say I have at least 3 thousand of kit of I sold most of it.

It's a really hard decision, especially seeing all the 4/3 switchers. If this really is the absolute future I may as well sell it all.
I notice this most with my tele lens

It's just not fun to lug about.
It's not even the best of lenes

I think the big problem is anything dslr specific (ie fast, long lenses) are not carry about friendly, especially not if you're with company.
I'm finding I haven't the inclination to go out on my own just to take pics. I'd enjoy it with a group, but can't find any good ones.

Also wondering if photography really is an on-your-own hobby really and that's why I'm not feeling it?
I found one very inactive local group, like 1 event even 3 months. There's lots in Cambridge, but it's more discussions and on Thursday (ie too far after work)

It's been since my break up I haven't used it. There have been a few things very associated with my ex that I haven't wanted to do. And with it being an often lonely activity + tied with the past I think it puts me off.

I was intending to do motorsport but when I look at pics, basically they all seem the same. In that they just don't excite me. It's too short for proper wildlife.

I will probably keep it for a while in that case and just see if I want to do it out find a group.
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