Selling a bike advice

30 Oct 2014
In need to sell a 29er orbea mtb, which is fairly new and in perfect condition, and for some reason doubt gumtree will do it for me, are there any official/trusted sites for bikes online to sell on?
Or is it possible to sell on forums here somewhere? Because i'm able to deliver in all of london.

Any advice! :)
Is there price checks for certain bikes, this bike was £480, and in almost new condition and perfect really, reckon i'd sell for £400? Im unsure how much value bikes lose over time
In my experience they lose a lot more than that. I bought my last bike for a £300 loss for the owner on a £450 bike. Another one was a £500 carrera I got for a friend and the owner dropped that to £160.

Christ, I only had it for 3 months, surely I can't lose this much, I'm much better off keeping it if I cant get around 380 then lol
if you still have a transferable(?) guarantee that will be good for frame/bb/headset;
as a purchaser : cleanliness of drive train + rims/tyres. (which you can all show in photos)

(would be interesting to know how depreciation compares to cars 20/30/50 1st/2nd/3rd)

Uhm, it has lifetime warranty, still have original receipt and all is in tip top shape and clean as hell lol
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