Selling PC for laptop?

27 Dec 2003
I've always been into PC gaming but since having my HDTV and 360 i dont touch the PC.

Its quite a good spec

2GB OCZ PC4000 Voltage Extreme Ram
Opteron 144 @ 2.8Ghz 24/7
DFI Lanparty nf4 LI-D
60GB Seagate Hard Drive
36.7GB Western Digital Raptor 10,000 rpm
Radeon 256mb X1800XT
Samsung Syncmaster 930bf 19inch TFT

As i dont use it for gaming im seriously considering selling the lot (Either individually or as a whole machine) and getting a laptop such as a Dell Inspiron 1300

So a few questions/opinions wanted

1) What sort of price should i ask for the whole rig
2) Would i be better off spitting it to sell or selling as a whole
3) WOuld a Dell Inspiron 1300 be sufficient for browsing web, downloaded and playing fotball management sims such as Football Manager 2006 as thats the only games i would play on the PC

Comments welcome :)
im sure... all i play on my uber pc is football manager...

and i want something portable to lie in bed with and "surf"

im wanting a ps3 anyways... im going to turn to the dark side...

im sick of upgrading and spending money just to play is all around the corner, and ive just bought a new pc (4month ago).. enough is enough.
thefranklin said:
You may find you miss hard drive space and overall speed. And you are sure you won't get hit by the pc game bug anytime soon?

60gb is plenty sufficient for me especially as i wont have loads of installed games on the hard drive.

THeres nothing coming out for PC that im really interested in except crysis but thats going to cost many hundreds of pounds to upgrade for and i cant justify spending that just for one game especially when there are so many really good games coming out soon for the 360
I would probably suggest splitting it and selling the parts separatly.

Because it is quite high spec the people buying them will probably just want the odd bit for their own build rather than something done for them.

As for prices, let the market decide on that well known auction site.
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