Selling Prints / Photos To Friends?

30 Dec 2003
BC, Canada
I have had some friends (more acquaintances than close friends) who have said they would like to buy prints of some of my photos. I have some of them licenced on 500px, but as you probably know that is rather expensive for the average person and a decent sized print it's around 250 pounds. For most people this is out of their price range.

Talking to one of them today, he would be willing to have a copy of a photo printed by me (I've had The Print Space recommended to me by someone else) and then just sent to him to get mounted himself however he chooses.

Has anyone done this? I was thinking of adding 5 to 10 pounds for my time on top of whatever the actual cost of printing and shipping is.

Does this sound reasonable, or am I being unreasonable in expecting people to pay?

Also, seeing as this is likely to be very low volume, is this something that should be declared to HMRC (I very much doubt it would be more than 10-20 pics at most, also possibly affected by the fact that I am no longer a UK resident)

Any advice is much appreciated.
It is something you need to report the Canadian tax authority, technically, you pay taxes where you are resident. I have photo sales from stock photography that goes into my UK bank but report the profits, grudgingly, to the US IRS. In reality of course it is hard them to find out so it is effect easy tax fraud without consequence.
If this is for friends then regardless of tax consequences. I don't see why you want to charge them a profit.

if they are friends then give them for free, or I'm exhange foe some beers, or the printing cost.

A nice framed photo makes for a nice birthday or Christmas present as an idea.
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It is something you need to report the Canadian tax authority, technically. If this for friends then regardless of tax consequnxws I don't see why you want to charge them a profit. if they are friends then give them for free, or I'm exhange foe some beers, or the printing cost.

A nice framed photo makes for a nice birthday or Christmas present as an idea.


Thanks for the reply. I probably could have been a bit clearer, the 5-10 pounds bit came from the friend who said he would pay that for beer money for me, as we can't physically have a beer together. not me asking for it. I am happy to have people just pay the price of the printing and shipping. This is more likely the option I would go for (just getting the cost covered). I'd be more pleased with the fact that other people want to hang my photos on the wall.

The bit about HMRC was due to most of these people who have asked are actually in the UK and it would be easiest for them to put any costs into my UK account that I still have open but pretty much dormant.
If people want to pay beer money directly then it makes sense. I wouldn't worry about HMRC. when UK taxes are due you can fill in a form stating you are a Canadian resident and are paying taxes there.
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