Semi-Interactive Map?

3 Jan 2006
Bishopsworth, Bristol
Hi Guys,

I'm currently doing a website for my bosses mother-in-law. It's only a side project, and I'm fairly inexperienced when it comes to HTML and coding etc.

I've set up the website on Concrete5 as I can see from various places including here that it's pretty easy to setup and use.

So my question is, is there an easy way to make a interactive map that has makers (when rolled over gives more information)? I know there is lots of map makers online, but they seem overly complicated and unintuitive.

The map at the bottom of the page below will ideally be populated with markers from the table above it.. hopefully that makes sense:

Any ideas?

Note: I know about the styling, not my choice.. she likes it!


Have a look into Google Maps API - this can be done fairly easily with that. If the markers are not generated dynamically then it will be even easier.
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I recently used google maps and fond it fairly easy to use. A few odities with info windows and support for tabbed info windows was annoyingly dropped but overall verry easy to use. the biggest struggle for me was handling javscript/CSS/HTML as I never touch that kind of stuff. Also i had a lot of dynamic content and had to connect to various other servers to pull data. Just displaying a map at a certain location/zoom an showing some markers and polylines/polygons is very easy.

Most things you will want to do you can just copy code form google.
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