Semolina Flour - Little confused?

8 Oct 2007

I was going to make some bread with semolina flour in it, but it seems hard to come by. I've read a bit about it and apparently semolina flour is another name for durum wheat flour. The recipe says 400g fine semolina.

So I went to the supermarket and the only one I could find was "00 grade pasta flour with durum" Ingredients are 100% wheat flour...

Could someone clarify this for me and if I have the right flour?
Semolina is a by-product of the flour-making process and is typically used as a term to refer to the courser texture of flour that will eventually be milled and turned into something like Tipo 00 - typically the stuff you'd make pasta from and what you've bought.

That said, it's not typically referred to as Semolina Flour in this country, although the recipe might be calling for that to differentiate from the various grades and types that are available - much in the same way you would with Polenta, for example.

You'll know you've found the right products when you see something yellow in colour and a little courser in texture that regular flour. And if your recipe calls for it, I'd be looking to use the right stuff. It'll be there for reasons of texture and for giving the bread a tasty crust.

Waitrose, Sainsburys and Tesco definitely sell it and I'd imagine other supermarkets would too.

Ah right so it's just normal semolina :p Thank you.
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