Sennheiser CX 300

1 Jan 2005
Dublin, Ireland
I'm thinking of getting a pair of these to replace my Sony EX71s since they died recently. I've looked at a few reviews and it seems that the Senns easily beat the Sonys for quality, but I'd just like to find out about the cable. Can any owners tell me what it feels like?

The cable on my EX71 was made out of some weird rubber stuff which peeled off after I had them for a while. Does the cable on the CX300 feel fairly solid? Also, how long is it? The Sonys had a really long extension cable which made them pretty annoying to use.

I did a search, I just wanted to get some feedback from owners here before I got them. The cables seem to be higher quality than the EX71s so I hopefully I'll be fine. Almost everywhere I've looked online is out of stock though, and most of the shops that do have stock don't deliver to Ireland :(
Hmm, ********* ship to Ireland but shipping is £26.50 :eek: I think I'll give that a miss. None of the &&&&&&&&&&&& sellers ship here either. Oh well, I'll keep looking. If anyone knows of anywhere that ships to Ireland with reasonable charges I'd be really grateful :)
*********** deliver to ireland and as far as I could see there was no extra charges, although you'll have to confirm that for yourself. £35 delivered. They're jersey based IIRC.
i got mine from somewhere, they replaced my ex71, must say they a lot better than the sonys, you will like them when you get them
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