Sennheiser HD 650 - anything else to consider

18 Oct 2002
The Land of Roundabouts
Currently own HD595 and a set of AKG k712.

Love the hd595's but the k712's just dont do it, nothing bad to say about them but the HD's just sound better imo and i get less fatigue however are battered and falling to bits.
No real budget but looking at the 650's as they sit at a price point before the prices ramp up for what could be considered little return on the pound, if that make sense.

They will be matched with a topping dac and sabaj ph3 amp.
Look up some reviews of the Sennheiser 560S, they're cheaper than the 6 series but a lot would say they're on par or better. You may as well consider the 600 and 6xx too
thanks, i will check them out, seem very similar to the 59x series which is no bad thing.
When you say the HDs are battered - if it's just the ear cups you can buy replacements.

yeah there well worn, ill get some pads for then at somepoint but the head band is also cracking so only a matter of time before they give up completly.

They are also on the table, i think when i was last looking the prices were a bit on the steep side but found a place selling them at 366 which is fairly reasonable(?!) vs the 650's.

HD560S would be more accurate/neutral than now toward warmer sound moved successors of HD595.
Also while bass isn't emphasized, its extension is good for open dynamic headphone reaching low.
So should make good sounding headphone after HD595.

Considering how long ago HD595 was discontinued you've been very lucky.
Mine had bit fall from head band (from yoke) before three years.

Shame there is no easy way to test them side by side these days, if they are on par with the 5xx series then it would stupid not to go that route!
yeah they have done well for sure, i must have had them for +10 years not that they get huge amounts of use but are certainly showing there vintage, i cant see the 712's lasting as well, they've already developed an annoying creaking sound...
Thanks for the suggestions :) its currently between the cost effective HD560S or the HD660S, probably leaning more towards the 660s as they would /feel/ more of an upgrade that the k712's never gave, then it would be looking to replace the sabaj as good as it is theres no denying its a bit of a gimmicky valve amp :D
How about the Beyerdynamic DT1990 Pro @LizardKing ? Havent heard them but read many good things and I own the DT1770 pro which are great closed back cans

Not a bad shout, always heard good things about Beyerdynamics but never tried any of them, though i've got a feeling they may be rather similar to the AKG's both being studio headphones?
Went for the HD660s in the end, I've not used them massively at the moment but out of the box and they are certainly a marked improvement over the HD595 and K712's, other than currently feeling like Joe Pesci has my head in a vice :D
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