Sennheiser PC350 Pro-Gaming Headset

27 Dec 2003
Ok Im in the market for a new headset, as I think I may have busted the one set I have with having the volume too high :D

So, looking around I see that the PC350's are on offer, 20 quid off! Was wondering what peoples opinions on here are of them.

I have had a set of decent senny's before, not sure what the model was, but they were about 70 quid 5 years ago, so probably one of the higher ends.

Just wondering how these 350's stack up to the HD555's etc.
never had the PC350's but they do seem like a good gaming headset, and made by Sennheiser so you know its not gunna be totally crap. Up against the HD555 though its totally different one is a closed headphone the other is open. You will probably get the better sound from the HD555 but if your primary use is gaming go for the PC350 saves you on having to buy a desk mic.
Ah I thought the 555's were closed, lol shows how much I know! :P

The pair I had before was closed as well. Sounded pretty good so I dont know what Im missing with Open ones. Much difference between open and closed?
Im no audiophile really so I probs cudnt tell much of a diff in sound quality however, using open headphones sound is "leaked" I think helps the SQ but im not too sure.
The sennhesier headphones are easily better than their headsets, but they will also sound sublime when listening to music.

Try and go for the HD595, or the HD555 if your budget won't stretch for the 595. Both very good headphones.
My Sennheiser PC350 arrived yesterday. OH MY GOD. They are great. ******* love them. I've not used the other ones you have mentioned so I've not got any comparrison but I was swayed by the £20 off.

Even the box looks great.

The Mic is sweet too. I've heard them described as "Studio level headphones with a boom mic attached". I can well believe it.
Be interested to hear any other opinions from people who own these :) In the market for a new headset since i trod on my last one :/ I tend to prefer headsets to headphones/mic seperate. And my ears are awful anyway
The sennhesier headphones are easily better than their headsets, but they will also sound sublime when listening to music.

Try and go for the HD595, or the HD555 if your budget won't stretch for the 595. Both very good headphones.

I think I'm regretting buying the HD595 over the PC350. Using them with the Xonar D2 and they're not much better than my £17 CX300 for playing COD4. Music playback isn't much better either...

Maybe I have poor hearing or the headphones haven't burned in (only had them for 2 days). I'll wait a couple of months and then consider selling...
I think I'm regretting buying the HD595 over the PC350. Using them with the Xonar D2 and they're not much better than my £17 CX300 for playing COD4. Music playback isn't much better either...

Maybe I have poor hearing or the headphones haven't burned in (only had them for 2 days). I'll wait a couple of months and then consider selling...

I own the CX300's and HD595's, you must be mad.

CX300's are good earphones, but nowhere near as good as the 595's.
surely you cant be serious, the cx300's are awful even by earpghone standards lol.

I'm serious. :o


I'm not saying the HD595s are not better than the CX300s because they are (marginally- imho). It's just the difference is not worth £80 in my opinion. I expected more from the reviews it's been receiving.

People on this forum say it's also good for gaming. In COD4 I can hear the footsteps but don't know which direction it comes from, this is with DS3D-GX on.

I'm sure there's nothing wrong with my hearing. :o
Got a set of the PC350 too a few weeks back and have nothing to compare them too properly but they were well worth the price :)

Tried them on the new laptop (well ..2nd hand T43) today and was amazed how good they sound.

Lots of money to spend on a headset true but trust me you wont feel ripped off in the slightest.

Got mine mainly for gaming (cod4) but now starting to appreciate music through them too :)
Very comfy to wear for hours on end.
People on this forum say it's also good for gaming. In COD4 I can hear the footsteps but don't know which direction it comes from, this is with DS3D-GX on.

I'm sure there's nothing wrong with my hearing. :o

Are you using Dolby Headphone mode? (Assuming you have a Xonar)
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