Sensible Soccer 2006 - Trailer Released!

Erk at those graphics.
Although as it's sensi, it's all down to gameplay which you can't really get from the video. Need to play it to see what the control system is like and if it's as good as the original.
I suspect it won't be though.
It would appear that the fast, simple gameplay is still there. Will have to wait for the demo but i'm not going to rule it out just yet.

I Like the fact that they have used the same music on that trailer as they had for the "Sensible World of Soccer" intro. :D
The gameplay definitely looks similar to the original which is the whole reason why people liked it but I don't think the added graphics, seen as they aren't up to much will sell the game. I'm not sure Sensible Soccer needs a follow up, it was one of a kind and the chemistry of the game just worked, this one although the style is similar won't cut it, especially not looking like that imo. The kicking sound sounded quite bad too :(

Oh and that video player is bloated and horrible! :eek:
erm... well... :-/

still, as said before... Sensible Soccer is, and always has/will be about the gameplay... so heres hoping its still there. graphics don't look bad from the top down traditional view but the close ups.... EERK :(

hopefully a decent demo comes out before release, any news on whether there will be official teams in it or will it have to be patched... what with the FIFA series now-a-days and all. :confused:
Well I quite like the look of it myself, from that.

The cel-shading is the perfect way to update the old single-block colours of Sensi, and the slightly altered angle is just a concession to make it easier to see where the players are going. The mechanics of the football seemed very similar to the original too (I hope it's still as ridiculously easy to lose the ball as it is in the originals, that was part of its frantic nature), so hopefully the gameplay will be as excellent. Did people expect it to look like Pro Evo or something? Because that's the last thing I'd want to see Sensi of all games look like.

Funnily enough, I had a bash on the Mega Drive version (International) last night with my housemate. He beat me 3-1 with some fantastic goals, the jammy git. To be fair, I am rubbish at the game though. :p
people who look at the visuals and say "crap" clearly dont understand the concept or appeal of sensible.

Its all in how it plays! But i suspect it will be pap and we are living in a dream world if how good it used to be.

It will sell on the name alone but I dont hold out much hope for the feel
RandomTom said:
The gameplay definitely looks similar to the original which is the whole reason why people liked it but I don't think the added graphics, seen as they aren't up to much will sell the game. I'm not sure Sensible Soccer needs a follow up, it was one of a kind and the chemistry of the game just worked, this one although the style is similar won't cut it, especially not looking like that imo. The kicking sound sounded quite bad too :(

Absolutely spot on. My thoughts exactly. The series peaked with SWOS.

RandomTom said:
Oh and that video player is bloated and horrible! :eek:

I quite like Eurogamer TV, I think the player uses flash, but it seems to work pretty well.
Most worrying thing I think is 'does the keeper actually ever save anything' it seemed a really quick game, yes the close ups really suck (the stupid big head thing I mean why???).

For me it'll be if they put proper teams in there with the proper leagues and cups (Premiership, FA Cup, Champions League) etc. as the realism in SWoS was what made me play it more and more.

m4cc45 said:
Most worrying thing I think is 'does the keeper actually ever save anything' it seemed a really quick game, yes the close ups really suck (the stupid big head thing I mean why???).

For me it'll be if they put proper teams in there with the proper leagues and cups (Premiership, FA Cup, Champions League) etc. as the realism in SWoS was what made me play it more and more.


Apparently on the close up's/replays the big heads have very entertaining expressions depending on the action (foul, free kick etc).

I wasn't looking forward to this game at all, until I read a couple of hands-on previews of it - both raved about the game.

Oh, and the editor is almost exactly like the SWOS editor so it should take no time at all to edit all the player/team names.


/looking forward to it
Weebull said:
Funnily enough, I had a bash on the Mega Drive version (International) last night with my housemate. He beat me 3-1 with some fantastic goals, the jammy git. To be fair, I am rubbish at the game though. :p
Personally I think the problem is that the original is so good that unless this one is amazing, I think I'd rather just buy a copy of original Sensi.
But i'll still be trying a demo of the new one.
I thought it looked quite funky. Fast and lots of goals with really bendy shots lol.

Anyone remember the lawn mower tactic from halfway line? move slightly to the side from kick off and run straight forward and kick straight in lol Classic!

Looks like fun but im not sure I would pay much more than a tenner for it. Unless it was online...
bloodline76 said:
Looks like fun but im not sure I would pay much more than a tenner for it. Unless it was online...

Its been confirmed its not online :(

Its also been touted as 'sensibly mid-priced', however I dont think it'll be a tenner. I think it simply HAS to have the depth of career mode that SWOS had, and proper teams/players to even come close to being worthwhile.

I fear the worst, I hope i'm very wrong.
Well they might not get it right first time. As long as playability is great then it will sell. But it will only have a certain amount of charm with single player, people will go back to PES5 after a while or FIFA06(If you cant afford PES5 lol)
Spunj99 said:
Nope. It won't. Just 2-player on one machine. Old school. :cool:

They've missed a trick there then, it would be so much better if it was online.

I doubt I'll get it.
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