Sensitive documents via email?

2 Jul 2019
Posting here as feels most relevant forum wise, apologies if it's more of GD thread.

I would like to scan a few sensitive documents and send them to the bank. Another consideration is scan and print myself and send securely in the post. Will find out later today if that's an option the bank would be okay with.

I don't wish to pay for long term email accounts, VPNs, etc, right now. Am happy to pay short term however. MS Office 365 and Gsuite offer end to end email encryption, is this sufficient for my needs? They offer free trials which may suffice, if not i'll pay.

Scanner/computer won't be on any network, will transfer pictures of information via USB to another computer that is connected to internet. Computer on the net is running Windows 10, up to date drivers and security. Brave/Tor browser if relevant. I presume splitting up the emails/information as much as possible is desirable also.

Any help or suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Create an email address at send email as secure, the receiver will get a link to view your secure email and they can reply in there through a browser window.

Seems like your making extra work for yourself to almost try sending this email anoymously when you have no control over what the receiver will do with it.
O365 offers email encryption in transit at TLS2.0 by default but obviously nothing at rest. However I suspect that's more than acceptable. You can add an encryption to the email which is basically AIP, gives you the drop down to encrypt the email, or put a retention label/ policy over it meaning the recipient can't copy, edit, print etc, the document.
Thanks for your help, i am new to this. The bank said that the email they send me will be encrypted, and i know when they did a test email before it opened up in another tab and required a sign-in in order to view, and then reply. They said that the reply with attachments will be encrypted also provided i reply to the email. I presume this is using end-to-end encryption using their certificate or security key so only they can view? To which i'm guessing i don't need to setup better encryption via a paid service then? As much as i see Proton mentioned and it being reliable, i'm never 100% confident until i know how it all works.
If your using a webpage to reply to a secure email the banks sent you then it's all on their system, reply with your attachments.
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