SEO - Directory Listings any good?

26 Jun 2005
We're a small business and currently looking to improve our website's organic listings. We are in an incredibly competitive market and all our competitors are doing loads of paid for SEO. Some of the spun content is shocking but its out there and I guess its working for them. For now.

I've spoken to a few SEO Companies over the last few months and all they seem to want to do is farm out tons of back-links with little or no content to high ranking sites. I've seen some of their "testimonials" and one was an Accountancy firm that had a link on a page buried on some fashion website page, amongst other links that were all totally unrelated to anything.

So, I was wondering whether paid for directory listings like Scoot etc are any good at providing good quality, high pagerank back links?

Does anyone use directory listings anymore or just Google it directly?
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