SEO recommendations

11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
Wasn't sure where to add this post, and this seemed most appropriate!
We're getting terrible results via Google, and any other search engine for that matter and subsequently decidede to opt for SEO.

I've contacted someone at, and submitted a free web site review.

Thought it might be worth checking who some of you lot use :)
I do my own and build all my sites organically. Basic 'SEO' is just following best practices.

That site honestly looks like junk. Talk about keyword stuffing. If that's their idea of SEO I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. IMHO You would be better of looking at getting some decent SEM.
I wouldn't use the company in the OPs link on principle of that site being horrendous.

Good SEO isn't hard to achieve. Pick the 3 or 4 search terms you want to achieve a good ranking for, eg. 'landscape gardener surrey' and then write good content for your website with those words placed in it quite often, but not to the detriment of human readability.

It really is that simple.
Don't exclude contact details from Google - that's what people most commonly look for on your site!

The only thing you should exclude is your javascript, css and image folders, plus any folders with code in, assuming you're using some method of url rerouting.
The only thing you should exclude is your javascript, css and image folders, plus any folders with code in, assuming you're using some method of url rerouting.

Why exclude script and styles? Google etc. know what script and styles are and won't index them as content. And images definitely shouldn't be blocked... unless you mean structural ones (buttons, backgrounds, etc.) and even then I'd just let Google sort it out.
I'd consider someone local Domo. That way you don't have to pay extortionate amounts everyone you want to go see them, or want them to come see you. They'll also have a good understanding of the local area and would be much easier for them to do research!

As someone has already said, if you do decide to do it yourself, look at what competitors are aiming for on their website and see if you can improve on the words they are using.
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What's the website Domo, can we take a look??

As said, on page SEO is all about building the site properly in the first place and providing good content. There's not really a trick or short cut to it.
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