Seperate this forum ?

20 Oct 2002
Seen as theres discussion of getting a new forum in General Hardware does anyone think that Graphics should have its own forum and combine Html and Programming ?

The argument has always been that theres not many posts in this forum combined but my argument would be that if the sections where separate then maybe they would generate more posts ?

Ie for graphics there could be stickies to member sig making tutorials which would probably generate discussions, and other user tutorials, the stickies could be better rather than millions of links to tutorials there should only be a select few for each app imo to quality tutorials.

Programming could get a reshuffle with better stickies and tutorials for programming rather than a mix and mash as it is.
Im sure people with no interest in gfx and only programming find it a pain to skip through the sig , wallpaper, design me a logo threads ?

Maybe its just me im more interested in graphics so would like to see it have its own section, anyone else like to see this ? would it even be considered ?
Chaos said:
anyone else like to see this ?
Not me; it would water down the content of what are all related disciplines, and I think it's fairly safe to say that the majority of regular members here are multi-discipline (in respect of the H,G&P triad). I don't believe there are enough active graphic artists, designers (as their sole interest) and the like to generate more posts on the topic alone. I don't see how adding new forum would generate more discussion - for the first couple of [novelty] weeks, yes, but not in the long term.

There's not enough traffic in here to cause threads to drop off the first page before they've had a good chance to take off, so I don't believe that they're being swamped among the other topics. I think there's a great balance, of both threads and members, here. And I can't see that there are enough specific graphics threads at current, or the demand, to warrant its own forum - and certainly not if threads about the creation of signature images would be the justification.

If you want more graphics-based content, then why not post more threads about graphics here? We, the members, are the ones who shape the forum - not its structure or categorisation. And you're not going to get shot down for posting more. H,G&P is one of the few remaining places on OcUK that maintains an air of civility and maturity [and self-moderation to an extent]. I wouldn't want anything significant as a major topic split to spoil that.

While we're on the subject I do think the title of H,G&P is a little... ummm, eccentric - why 'HTML' is deemed so important, I'm unsure - but I like it, because of it. I think a title like 'Design and Development' might better describe and encompass the overall subject-matter...

... that is, as long as we get rid of all the bumph domain, hosting and ISP-related threads (read as: my webhost has poor support options, so I'll have to raise a ticket on OcUK) and move them to what is their proper home, of N&IC... :D
Nice reply Augmented.

I can see the advantages of having seperate forums for organisational reasons, stickies and such. But as Aug says, it might lead to slightly barren looking sections.

I like the mix anyway :)
Hopefully newbs aren't overwhelmed and scared away when they visit. Could help from that point of view. If you want a sig you go to graphics...

A compromise would be to organise the current HG&P, better stickies, new name to get interest. First step would be stickying the epic "make me a sig" thread.
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