
1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Random thought, just looking at the topics, it seems 80% of games these days that make it big are sequels!

Is it me or is there no originality outside of the 'indie' market?
No point taking risks on new ip/originality when you can sell millions of fifa/cod sequels etc. Unfortunately.
There is very little originality outside the indie market.

Even new IP often lacks originality. Watch Dogs, for example.

When a game like Tomb Raider can be considered a failure by its publisher for only selling 3.5 million copies, you can see why games have to appeal to a very wide audience. And breadth of appeal isn't likely to result in a whole lot of original or unfamiliar gameplay.
When I think on it, I almost never play any sequels of games I've actually owned.

Can only think of GTA series (played all of them up to and including VC, nothing since), and Trine (which I play with my son). I suppose I played the SNES and GB Zeldas, if they count.
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