SeriesX Recording & Streaming Base Unit

26 Jul 2004
Hi all,
I have a gaming PC that I used with a cheeky little elgato HD60 to record my Xbox One gaming footage on. I could record, stream it and capture multiple audio sources - life was good.

Since getting a series X that little capture card isn't going to cope and I've moved my gaming PC into another room so I would like to get a new build to support that single ask - recording and streaming series X footage.

The machines use:
Capturing full 4k series X footage with 60fps 4k HDR passthrough
Streaming series x footage on Twitch/Youtube
No gaming/editing expected.
Storage of in-moment footage to then be archived (~2tb storage max)

I just need the base unit, no peripherals, monitor or OS. Could I request a base unit build recommendation?

My understanding of capture cards is that I would need a Elgato 4K60 PRO to get my capture footage but CPU/Ram/Mobo/Graphics cards/HD setup is lost on me.

I'd like to keep the build to its single use case lowest possible budget. The machine should be capable of recording the 4k footage as well as enabling a stream at the same time.

I'd much appreciate any support!

26 Jul 2004
Hey, I'll be building it myself. You've linked a lovely fan there :p
Budget can flex 5-1000 but I'd prefer cheaper if possible.
What pre-builts would you recommends? some components I should be looking out for?
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