SERIOUS annoying problem still here!

28 Nov 2005
When i said the computer was fixed... it isnt true!

Im very very angry, as iive replaced the motherboard, but i now cant run the memory in dual channel mode... with my old motherboard i couldnt run the memory faster than 166mhz...

wtf.... why is this happening.

spec is in my sig,

im very angry, ive been annoyed for 4weeks now, as the problems have been here constantly.

why cant i run my memory in dual channel mode.. if i do, while windows is loading it restarts

please help, as i am going insane.. and ive spend a lot of money for hassle :(
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nowt really, just it was running 250mhz (ddr500) dual.. so i set it to ddr400 (200mhz) dual and it works fine

3-3-3-7 ill wait for the next problem
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