Serious DELL Laptop display problem!!!! Help!

30 Mar 2004
West Wing
I turned my DELL Inspiron 1100 Laptop on this morning and everything was fine, until about an hour later when the display decided to turn 90' anti-clockwise. This is extremely frustrating. There doesnt seem to be any reason why it happened other than being a Dell.

Someone please tell me how i can adjust the angle so its back to normal.

Check your graphics card driver settings, its probably had the picture rotated.
How you have managed to do that without noticing how I am not quite sure though....

Hope thats the fix
I don't know what graphics chipset that laptop has but Nvidia cards for instance have a feature called NVrotate which allows you to change the picture at right angles, although as PinkFloyd says I'm not sure how you do that without noticing.
I don't know how it happened either. Was just browsing the internet and the LCD screen refreshed and appeared on its side 90'. Maybe a virus or something? I will do a scan anyway.

Theres an integrated Nvidia graphics chip in it but no specific Nvidia software unfortunantly.

Aha! I used the System Restore feature to take back all the settings to 2 days ago and that has fixed it! Luckily the OS makes its own system restore points.

Thanks for the help guys.
Wow, Thanks Chopper. That must have been what i done! Probably whilst pressing Ctrl-alt-delete I hit the arrow button next to it. Fancy putting that there! Stupid Dell.
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