Serious pain, need advice...

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7 Sep 2005
Lo folks.

Recently, due to damage to my right arm (strain due to excercise), I have been having very bad acheing in my shoulder and wrist when using my PC. It comes on about 10 seconds after I use my mouse and stops almost immediately when I rest my arm.

I just wondered if any of you guys have had anything similar, and how you have countered it?! I have been looking at perhaps getting mousemats with gel rests and similar style keyboards. Can you recommend any products?

I only ask because the upgrade to, for example, an exactmat with exactrest and a saitek keyboard (both apparently very comfortable products) it is about £55 and I wanted some feedback before I purchase...

any help ayone....?

honestly I wouldn't buy a thing :)

Pick up your phone and make an appointment with your GP - that sounds like something unpleasant :(
My right wrist is also a bit dodgy and seems to get better with absence from a pc. Ok guys, no it wasn't caused by what you think. :p
Jay_t said:
My right wrist is also a bit dodgy and seems to get better with absence from a pc. Ok guys, no it wasn't caused by what you think. :p

Not to mention going blind as well! :eek: :D .

I hurt my arm falling off a bike 3 weeks ago(haven`t been on one for 17 yrs mind you),and arm and wrist ached could only manage 1 hr on oblivion a day :( .
I`m fine now,but muscles take a while to heal go easy mate.Your doc may have a physio in the surgery,maybe you could get some ultrasound for it(it helped my shoulder) along with some painkillers.
Gentle exercise like treading water on your back at the swimming pool is good for it too(as long as it ain`t agony!).
By all means treat yourself to these things,i like my mousemat with wrist rest,but i`d lay off the pc for a bit.
Wow what a response, thanks, you guys are great! All good points. I will consult my GP and get some heat treatment for the immediate pain... perhaps I can use it as an excuse to treat myself to the toys anyway lol :)
The thread is fine, i'm asking about gaming products that may ease my playing.

Well worth pointing out that anyone who responds should not advise me of medical treatment, so as not to break the board policy though.

I'm just after people who have had a similar experience to mine, and how they got round it ;)
pcAnywhere said:
Could be nothing.. could be RSI

Yep, I definatly think thats what it is.... RSI.... defo..... :D

ok, on serious not.... go do a search for UK's health and safety and go to the section on the use of PC at work....
Basically, eliminate anythin to do with ergonomics befor going to see your GP....

Above all else, don't push it.... it hurts for a reason....

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