Serious Server 2012 R2 issues

26 Oct 2013
Hi all
I am having some serious issues with a 2012 R2 server at my dad's business
It is effectively a desktop PC running server 2012. It has a RAID 1TB x 2 hard drive setup, boot SSD etc

Recently (since a windows update it seems like), it has taken to randomly "crashing" but it seems still running the OS in the background without displaying anything on screen. It will work normally 24 hours after a reboot, then randomly stop functioning. HOWEVER, the logmein hamachi basic VPN we use still works, and the local PCs can still access the files.
Also, the windows server dashboard shows no users anymore or no computers, it just seems to have wiped itself. but the local PCs can log in etc as normal

The only thjing I can think of is the old RAID setup where 1 drive has given up. This happens on desktops I guess if a drive is failing and interrupts the rest of the OS, but could this be the issue?
The drives are quite old now.

Look in event viewer and find out. In event viewer filter system logs for warnings, errors and critical and see whats happening. Disk errors for failing disks normally flag error 51 in this log.

Control panel > admin tools > event viewer.

Expand windows logs on the left, click system logs and let it populate (will take a while). Then over the right filter current logs, hit the 3 checkboxes on Warning, Error and Critical and hit ok. have a little browse through and you should get a good idea on the issue.
So strange the only thing showing is a critical kernel-power for clena shut down. Has not helped me with this error at all
Yeah I am going to pull the raid out right now and see what happens. Only a backup drive anyhow
Okay, so the RAID was a hardware RAID through Gigabyte BIOS. It was not the boot drive, that is an SSD
The RAID was defective, there was an error at bootup, so I pulled the RAID drives and everything is back to normal. So strange how a single defective drive can cause so many issues.
Anyway, all seems good just need to remap and replace the data that was on those drives
Well it has gone back to playing funny again... WTF
No active user accounts, no storage no devices
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