Sorry about this guys.. its not really a relationship thread.. but I need a bit of cheering up!..
About a month ago the wife (of 1 month short of 4 years marriage) turned round to me and said "Its not working!"... "I can't see where its going!".. "We've been arguing a lot!".. "I've had to put my life on hold to run yours!!"...
The last comment felt like she had kicked me in the nuts and kept kicking whilst laughing like a hyaena!..
Basically when we met.. I helped get her back on a steady financial footing (paid off a few of her debts), Got her to the Doctors and Dentist to sort out a few things she was suffering from.. and I helped her get a new job as the old one was killing her (see all the above other stuff I helped her with)... So I actually put my life on hold to run hers!!!.. not, as she said, the other way round!!..
I thought all the above was the definition of 'Marriage'!!.
I've sort of come to terms with it over the last month.. Its inevitable.. its no good trying to change her mind!.. We're trying to stay friends (well I am) and sorting it out amicably (selling the house, paying off debts... etc), and were going for the 2 year seperation deal!! (cheaper!!)
People have asked me if there's a 3rd party!... now until this morning I always replied...
"She goes out less than me, and I only go out twice a month, when she stays in!.. So unless she's either doing it then or at work!.. I don't think so!"
But this morning (well from last night) she's getting more distant, and then in the car this morning (yes I know I still drop her off at work!).. Her phone rang and she (turning her head away from me) answered and said "I'm in the car".. I heard a blokes voice and she hung up!...
From then I've not been feeling great!, I've got that 'Gut Rumbling' feeling of sickness and I've not as yet said anything to any of my co-workers today, I'm just keeping to my self in my corner!...
Do you recon I'm blowing this mornings phone call out of proportion.. or am I wrong about the 3rd party involvement!!...
I'm a 34 year ol bloke and I just want to cry!..
About a month ago the wife (of 1 month short of 4 years marriage) turned round to me and said "Its not working!"... "I can't see where its going!".. "We've been arguing a lot!".. "I've had to put my life on hold to run yours!!"...
The last comment felt like she had kicked me in the nuts and kept kicking whilst laughing like a hyaena!..
Basically when we met.. I helped get her back on a steady financial footing (paid off a few of her debts), Got her to the Doctors and Dentist to sort out a few things she was suffering from.. and I helped her get a new job as the old one was killing her (see all the above other stuff I helped her with)... So I actually put my life on hold to run hers!!!.. not, as she said, the other way round!!..
I thought all the above was the definition of 'Marriage'!!.
I've sort of come to terms with it over the last month.. Its inevitable.. its no good trying to change her mind!.. We're trying to stay friends (well I am) and sorting it out amicably (selling the house, paying off debts... etc), and were going for the 2 year seperation deal!! (cheaper!!)
People have asked me if there's a 3rd party!... now until this morning I always replied...
"She goes out less than me, and I only go out twice a month, when she stays in!.. So unless she's either doing it then or at work!.. I don't think so!"
But this morning (well from last night) she's getting more distant, and then in the car this morning (yes I know I still drop her off at work!).. Her phone rang and she (turning her head away from me) answered and said "I'm in the car".. I heard a blokes voice and she hung up!...
From then I've not been feeling great!, I've got that 'Gut Rumbling' feeling of sickness and I've not as yet said anything to any of my co-workers today, I'm just keeping to my self in my corner!...
Do you recon I'm blowing this mornings phone call out of proportion.. or am I wrong about the 3rd party involvement!!...
I'm a 34 year ol bloke and I just want to cry!..