Server 2012 R2 DNS issue

18 Oct 2002
SX, unfortunately
Hi all, if you've seen some of my threads before you'll know I'm a windows server noob who has thrown himself in at the deep end. I have one niggling issue I really want to get sorted with DNS. It just isn't working properly with IPv6 :(

I suspect there's a trust issue between my two DNS servers as when adding the second one to the name servers list I get this:


I've blanked part of the IPv6 address as I understand in theory this could be used as an external IP one day.

Can anyone give me a clue where to start looking to fix this one?

thanks :)
Thanks all - will have a look when I get home.

Ref .local I did almost go for my .com domain name but after reading something somewhere that said not to I didn't. Figures :D
I think that's something for much further down the line for me to worry about.

Meanwhile - DNS issues solved - well almost. Down to two BPA errors - I put the Google IPv6 dns servers in for conditional forwarders and unsurprisingly they aren't responding as I've not configured my router to deal with IPv6 as yet.

Turns out what I had done was where I *thought* I had both IPv4 and IPv6 on my secondary DNS set to listen I'd missed the IPv6 one off :rolleyes: so bang on Shad, thank you :)
Rather than proud of this screenshot :D


Considering I'd never touched Windows server a few months ago and have had nothing but google (and you guys of course!) to help.

I'm now running 3 2K12R2 VMs -

DC/DNS/File storage
RDP (with a whole 1 CAL for when I'm away or my wife is away)

and another 2K12R2 box running as backup server offsite at my parents through VPN

It's a better setup than at work :D
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