Lost the plot here so please bear with me
Cyber attack on said machine we lost everything but we had a backup ran from the Tool > Windows Server Backup.
Under the tab Tools > Recover > A Backup Stored On Another Location > Local Drive (THIS CASE AN EXTERNAL 4TB SEAGATE) > Select Said Drive > THE BACKUP LOCATION SPECIFID DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY BACKUP.
I'm then stuck an unable to go forward.
On the drive I can see the data. It's all there.
So what do we d0
Cyber attack on said machine we lost everything but we had a backup ran from the Tool > Windows Server Backup.
Under the tab Tools > Recover > A Backup Stored On Another Location > Local Drive (THIS CASE AN EXTERNAL 4TB SEAGATE) > Select Said Drive > THE BACKUP LOCATION SPECIFID DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY BACKUP.
I'm then stuck an unable to go forward.
On the drive I can see the data. It's all there.
So what do we d0