Server 2016 Template ESXI HWv question

26 Nov 2002

So I'm in the process of creating a new 2016 template. According to VMware, I need v6.0 or v5.5U3 for support.

At the moment, we are 50% through a 5.1 to 6.0 migration, so for compatibility reasons all our VM's are still HWv8. Building a new template on one of the v6.0 hosts, I only get the option for using HWv11 for Server 2016. I would have thought I could choose at least HWv10 seeing as v5.5 is supported but v11 is the only option. I really don't want to have any VM's on HWv11 until our whole estate is upgraded.

Am I asking for trouble choosing a HWv8, 2012R2 profile VM to install 2016 onto? Or maybe I should just tell those in charge we aren't ready for 2016 yet...
A: as stated, it isn't supported to done do it
B: 2016 already! any reason?

we've crashed 2016 during testing too many times to run it yet. It also PSOD's VMware 5.5 quite a bit when under high stress. 6 seems fine though,

Not really my idea. Only thing I like in 2016 is storage replica. Since I posted, this has now been changed and all requests for 2016 can wait until next year... I heard some PSOD was because of the physical servers themselves, needed new BIOS for microcode updates.
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