Server benchmark tester?

26 Nov 2002
Can anyone recommend me a (free maybe) server benchmarking program that will work with physical and virtual servers?

I need something that will measure the rough performance of a VM on one host, then move it to a different host and measure it again. Also need something that I can run on a physical server so I can say "the performance of your old server was bla bla, and now that it's been virtualised, its now Bla bla bla"

It depends what the server is doing. I don't think there's any point doing a general benchmark that tests everything. There are many stress testing tools out there for specific tasks.
For example MS have a tool called SQLIO which you can use to stress test an SQL server. I usually use this and look at perfmon to monitor access times and queue lengths on disks CPU usage, memory usage etc to see what effect it has on the system.

Servers are very tricky to benchmark because how a server performs it's designated tasks is down to a lot more than just hardware grunt. You really neet to test the individual aspects in their own right.
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