Server / Nas / Media Streamer

12 Apr 2015
Hi guys & gals. Looking for a bit of advise on a home server / streaming machine, but first a bit of background....

So recently my NAS died (Or the first NAS died, more on that later) It was a buffalo Linkstation LS - Somethingorother and I bought it about 5 years ago, so it's had a good life. Anyway, that died and I decided I needed something cheap that I could put my own drives in. So I bought myself a nice cheap and cheerful D-Link NAS enclosure and 2 WD Blues. About a week after owning this it died (Not the drives, the enclosure) So now I've decided it's time for something a bit more fun.....I'm going to build a nice little server/NAS/Stream machine or whatever.

So, on to the plans. I intend to use this machine for streaming and as a file sharing host between all my machines. I would consider running some kind of NAS/Server OS but I would prefer to run windows so I can torrent and also use as a general mundane task PC.

I am also looking to keep as budget as possible just as an FYI. I don't really have a specific budget in mind but as cheap as possible while still being worthwhile.

My considered parts list so far.....

CASE - BitFenix Prodigy - £30 ***PURCHASED***

CPU - i3-4170 - £85

CPU Cooler - Thinking stock should be fine ? But maybe not as I intend on it being on 24/7 ?

MOBO - MSI H81M-P32L - Currently bidding on one on eBay for like £15

RAM - Got plenty lying about. 2 x 4GB ***ALREADY OWNED***

STORAGE - I have 3xWD Blues for storage and a 120GB SSD for OS ***ALREADY OWNED***

PSU - I am bidding on a Corsair CX430 on eBay for about £10.

The question now is, anoy better suggestions ?? ALso any advise on the OS etc. As I want to keep windows to torrent etc but also want to be able to stream media to my smart TV's etc..

Thanks in Advance
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