Server os

29 May 2012
Hi guys my 3 year old xubuntu on my storage server is in need of a re-install and im thinking about trying something new

Only real needs are to be easily compatible with a vnc remote access sabnzb filezilla and handbrake.

Would like it to be small in terms of overheads to keep it nippy and well supported.

What are your recommendations?
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Another thing is that overheads are largely relevant between server distros. If you want low overheads, don't run a GUI at all (quite honestly you shouldn't need to as most services will require command line configuration along with a web UI that is accessed remotely).

For the sake of familiarity, Ubuntu MATE is probably what you want. Same huge range of packages you're familiar with, up-to-date packages, etc. If you want stability in terms of updates, you're looking at the wrong distro really, CentOS is what you want (no GUI install then install MATE manually from EPEL, as GNOME 3 is horrible over VNC, even in legacy mode).
well small in terms of resources its running on and old q6600 with 4gb of mem so doesnt have to be void of everything but nice and quick would be good
I quite like debian and opensuse for server purposes. I went with opensuse as the management software for lsi megaraid is an rpm package which is easier to deal with on suse/fedora/centos. I chose opensuse because of the Yast config tool which can make configuring significantly easier if you aren't entirely au fait with all of the necessary terminal commands.

I was using gnome 3 which I can attest to it being very iffy over vnc. I switched over to xfce which is a lot better for vnc and a bit lighter on resources too.
I think a headless system makes sense given the age of the system. If that's an option then either CentOS (useful experience as a lot of places use Red Hat) or Ubuntu Server LTS (not dissimilar to xubuntu but without the GUI of course).
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