Server room cable management

24 May 2007
Guys I have been shamed by the show us your rack thread and I have finally decided to clean up my server wiring.

I need a little help what can I use for horizontal and vertical cable management in-between my racks? or can anyone recommend any good general cable management products or tips?


Caged thanks for the quick response I just had a look at the Panduit catalogue and it looks scaryyyy!!!

Anything maybe we should do a before and after contest? LOL! I cant blame anyone else like other people as I was here when we moved into the building so im feeling guilty for all the cr*p that's been building up.

IMO don't go over board with the tidiness that it ends up taking ages to patch a new cable in. We ditched our Panduit management as although they were very neat looking it took 2 people half an hour to run a fibre cable from back top to bottom front and was next to impossible to do yourself.
IMO don't go over board with the tidiness that it ends up taking ages to patch a new cable in.

Yeah tidy racks certainly look good but if you ever need to change anything or find yourself repatching things regulary they will get very annoying.

Just make sure your cabinet has plenty of room in the sides with brackets for tucking the cables behind to keep them out of sight
If you're doing cable management to a point where it makes it difficult to move patches around then you're doing it wrong. Large vertical dump panels on the edge of every upright and decent horizontal trays to make it easy to traverse racks mean patching a cable takes a minute tops, and all the excess ends up in the vertical management.
My cable management sucks as well, regardless of my good intentions or spend on accessories to help I'm never happy with the results.

Does anyone do a worthwhile training course?
If you're doing cable management to a point where it makes it difficult to move patches around then you're doing it wrong. Large vertical dump panels on the edge of every upright and decent horizontal trays to make it easy to traverse racks mean patching a cable takes a minute tops, and all the excess ends up in the vertical management.


If you see my racks (not my lab rack!) in the show us your racks thread they are extremely tidy but they aren't unmanageable. Vertical cable management (zero-u APC vertical cable management in our Netshelter SX cabs) runs alongside the PDUs and is very nearly invisible. We use 1U horizontal cable management strips when the need dictates and lose the excess into the vertical management.

One of the best ways to do cable management is to use the correct length cable before you even start. We have an 8ft tall, 5ft wide set of shelves that houses buckets of coloured cable sorted by length from 0.3m to 3m. Power cables are the same and barring some extreme cases, 3m power leads are banned from our server room (we have no need to pull servers "live" out of the racks and if we needed to we could walk them onto 3m cables). 0.5m and 1m are the usual lengths, so we have boxes of those on hand. There is never an excuse for an inappropriate cable this way.

I'm looking at some really nice Corning multi-core fibre at the moment to straighten out the problem of connecting lots of TOR Nexus FEXes. It isn't worth the expense or hassle of installing structured fibre but managing 16+ fibre patch leads per rack is a bit of a challenge. Corning do some really elegant stuff to fix this sort of thing which should help a lot.
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