Server room temperature alerts via SMS/phone?

30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
Hi All,

Had a bit of a near miss on Saturday night. The AC in one of the server rooms threw a wobbly and turned off. Luckily enough, I happened to see the emails from the hosts and SAN complaining at about midnight, by the time I got there the room itself was about 50c and everything had shut down except the switches ('ard ******* they are). Close call, Monday morning would have been a bundle of fun.

At the moment I am exploring options for SMS and phone alerts and have found a couple of GSM devices - does anyone have any experience of these?
Thanks. Issue is that with a young family and active social life, email in general tends to get missed at the weekend and it was only that I was looking for something else that I saw it. I'm fairly protective of my time with regards to work as previously worked in a small startup which was very pervasive... If it isn't on fire or about to be I'm not interested :p

In cases like this a phone call would be welcome though
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