Set fire to my gown

9 Sep 2007
I brought this wicked black rob dressing gown with a hood and have been walking around the house like a dark mage in one of my games :D
Anyway just cooking myself a fried egg and the flame licked onto my gown sleeve and WOOF my god it really went up luckily it went down as quick !
I checked the label and it said "keep away from fire" your telling me :eek:
I thought cloths particular night cloths were fire resistant these days !
you want this for the night time!


very good :D

I brought it from debenams for about £80 and yes its real comfortable ,just don't try and cook whilst wearing it ,and stay away from your gas fire or anyone that may be smoking ,also watch out for that spark when you switch the lights on :D
Gonna get another?

No I can still wear it ,it just smells a bit burnt now ,it went out really quick kinda on its own ,but it went up like when you light a burner thats been blowing out gas for a while :eek:
I thought it was cool to look like one of the dark mages out of oblivion all in black with hood but did not expect it to come with fireballs too :D
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