SETI down?

12 Jul 2005
Hi, was wondering if anyone can access the seti home page and all the rest as it seems to be down?

it could be something like that (dated 02 March 2001) but I thought that they'd removed the dependency on the campus network recently and got direct ISP lines set up?

Just a quick update so you know we haven't disappeared. We've entered a phase of massive cleanup - moving machines around in preparation to put newer ones in the server closet. Since we were cracking the whole system open we figured we might as well bite the bullet and clean all our /usr/local's, update old versions of software, etc. So naturally, everything broke. The last couple of weeks have been spent playing a non-stop game of Whac-a-Mole, trying to fix one minor broken thing after another. You may have noticed some of these failures. For example, the user-of-the-day selection was stuck for a week due to a broken path.

There were some other minor issues. One of the assimilators kept crashing with no error messages - after some painful debugging we found it was freaked out by a single corrupt record in the database. But other than that there has been slow, steady progress. The new data recorder is nearing completion (being stress tested at this point), and we're planning to move more old servers out of the closet tomorrow.
these guys are such pros :eek:

didn't the same thing happen a few years ago when they swapped server rooms?

I havent seen any real issues with my clients, the server could berunnign low on units by now I guess


February 28, 2006 - 21:15 UTC
We had a planned outage today to remove a couple more items from the server closet (the Classic SETI@home data server and several large, heavy disk arrays which contained the old science database). In order to safely do so, we wanted to power down several important machines so they wouldn't accidentally get bumped and go down ungracefully.

The Bay Area is having a rough winter, and a storm today brought lightning which knocked out power to the entire campus, including our lab, around 8am. Most of the servers went down without a hitch. And with the power off anyway we went ahead and cleaned up the closet as planned. We can now get behind the racks again without painful contortion.

Powering up the entire network is painful, as servers need to revive in a set order, and many hidden mounting issues come to light (that only get tickled by a reboot). Plus some drives needed some fsck'ing. Everything eventually booted up just fine, except for the master science database.

One of the fibre channel loops disappeared on this particular server. Bad cable? Bad GBIC? Not sure just yet, as the terminal wasn't working well enough to give us all the boot diagnostics. We hooked up a laptop and fought with hyperterm to see these messages, but by the time we got that working the machine booted just fine for no explicable reason... but all the metadevices needed to be resynced. This resync could take up to 24 hours, during which the master science database will be down. That means no splitting and no assimilating, and we'll probably run out of work to send before too long. Oh well.
that's it I have a 4 unit stach on the server and then it's over to predictor.... Or it would be if predictor had any work. Aparently (according to the messages) There was work but it is commited to other platforms whatever that means?

Let's hope that the guys in sunny California figure out what's up with there DB soon.

Yeah predictor has been pretty sucky for a while too, that "other platforms" message is a long running problem even when there's a ton of work to do.

I've moved over to rosetta as a secondary project, similar goals.
right then I'm off to add ANOTHER project :(

Rosetta sounds good to me, I assume there is an OcUK team as always?

EDIT: It seems to have sorted itself out and has stopped crunching it's SETI units and is now 77% of the way through two predictor units :D I might add rosetta as well

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Thats just their usual outage for backups. I haven't run out of WU's for ages now. Just set your preferences to a couple of days and you should have enough to get through all but the most tragic of outages.
I do on the server boss but my laptop suffers from both left in the office (not on) and left in the boot of the car syndrome quite badly so I leave it at a small stash to prevent out of date issues. I have to say since leaving BOINK / SETI for folding last year after all the outages I've been very impressed with it's stability this time round. I guess I should change my location quite soon :eek:

in other news I can't see your sig image
Sound's like a good plan to me, I guess we should make it a OcUK DC Projects general invite. I'm sure there are some more of us nearby here somewhere. Unfortunately my calendar is busy every weekend from now till August so it'll have to be a weekday evening.

Where's good for you, I'm guessing you get the train into town every day?

And I still can't see your sig image :eek:


EDIT: I'll catch you on MSN
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Came home today and saw my CPU temp being 21C and thought 'oh no, I forgot to restart Seti last night' but then saw it was running and had no units :(
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