SETI@Home & OcUk Projects News Vol. 166 27th January - 9th Febuary 2012

8 Mar 2010

STOMP CLOCK - CZECH NATIONAL TEAM - 20 Days - Going down down down, our doors are allways open when it comes to team defectors :D

Total Credit - 795,035,520

Crunched this week - 5,932,560

Current World Position - 10th

RAC - 860,069

Current RAC Rank - 9th

Members With Credit - 1272

Active Members - 198

Teams Stomped - 0 :(

Teams Stomped By - 0 :D

Splitters - 0 :D

New Members - 5:D:D

Rob - ayhanbilgin - mike - joebloggs - TheUberGeek

1. SETI.USA - 2,991,248,020
2. SETI.Germany - 2,486,360,163
3. GPU Users Group - 2,044,429,769
4. SETI@Netherlands - 1,468,854,628
5. L'Alliance Francophone - 1,282,833,751
6. The Knights Who Say Ni! - 1,056,356,497
7. - 931,489,844
8. Team 2ch - 903,605,847
9. Czech National Team - 800,675,645
10. OcUK - Overclockers UK - 795,035,520
11. BOINC Synergy - 748,003,069
12. Team China - 735,882,485
13. BOINC@Taiwan - 699,964,043
14. Team Starfire - 654,644,201
15. The Planetary Society - 628,946,552
16. Team Starfire World BOINC - 557,348,919
17. TeAm AnandTech - 557,084,588
18. BOINC@AUSTRALIA - 548,884,799
19. Canada - 542,636,792
20. US NAVY - 534,205,093
21. Team Art Bell - 520,315,633
22. BOINC@Poland - 453,889,297
23. Ars Technica - 426,590,477
24. BOINC SETI@home RUSSIA - 426,037,421
25. Amateur Radio Operators - 396,565,703

Recent Average Credit

1. GPU Users Group - 5,691,613
2. SETI.USA - 3,068,239
3. SETI.Germany - 2,645,342
4. SETI@Netherlands - 1,658,356
5. L'Alliance Francophone - 1,082,716
6. Team 2ch - 1,014,373
7. The Knights Who Say Ni! - 965,486
8. - 946,078
9. OcUK - Overclockers UK - 860,069
10. BOINC SETI@home RUSSIA - 797,548
11. The Planetary Society - 668,713
12. Canada - 643,220
13. BOINC@AUSTRALIA - 633,111
14. BOINC@Taiwan - 571,337
15. Czech National Team - 556,623
16. Team China - 538,455
17. BOINC@Poland - 445,371
18. Team Art Bell - 441,602
19. BOINC Synergy - 402,804
20. US NAVY - 401,621
21. Team Starfire - 400,095
22. TeAm AnandTech - 394,403
23. USA - 375,157
24. Dutch Power Cows - 345,831
25. UK BOINC Team - 345,830

1. BA - 54,002,031
2. Meridian - 50,096,308
3. ReaVerUK - 42,376,833
4. ToxicTBag - 39,101,743
5. MadMaC - 28,999,586
6. br83taylor - 27,354,655
7. Burlsey - 24,388,086
8. Grimgoth - 20,209,002
9. Mr Ludwig - 20,182,069
10. halz - 19,544,102
11. Simon - 18,867,983
12. loudbob - 18,442,595
13. pnutty - 16,833,133
14. kolala - 14,925,769
15. CGS - 14,760,508
16. GrandMasterD - 14,488,701
17. Dave - 14,304,384
18. k3v - 14,225,487
19. Odan - 13,755,218
20. Ross Graham - 13,324,068
21. Biffa - 12,863,326
22. Dave - 12,642,920
23. IAN - 12,381,512
24. Stuart Gibson - 11,602,002
25. Gordon Proctor - 11,270,965

Recent Average Credit

1. Tel2 - 76,991
2. ReaVerUK - 73,229
3. Dave - 70,400
4. BA - 65,465
5. Meridian - 62,449
6. Ross Graham - 51,840
7. br83taylor - 46,290
8. ToxicTBag - 43,634
9. derv - 37,179
10. MadMaC - 36,987
11. kolala - 35,054
12. Chasser - 27,572
13. Gordon Proctor - 18,124
14. k3v - 16,310
15. Remos - 16,114
16. Tom Nunamaker - 16,052
17. Dave - 12,079
18. garry brown - 11,685
19. CGS - 10,663
20. TiMeSliDeR - 8,751
21. Burlsey - 7,645
22. eggcup - 7,236
23. GrandMasterD - 6,430
24. Grimgoth - 5,507
25. joebloggs - 5,270

1. The right honourable Mr Meridian - 5 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 :eek::D:D
2. Tel2 - 6,000,000
3. derv - 1,000,000
4. Remos - 1,000,000

1. ReaVerUK - 563,017
2. Tel2 - 541,591
3. Dave - 499,551
4. Meridian - 434,403
5. Ross Graham - 385,159
6. derv - 358,853
7. BA - 346,140
8. br83taylor - 341,702
9. ToxicTBag - 282,814
10. kolala - 246,292
11. Chasser - 219,521
12. MadMaC - 211,864
13. Tom Nunamaker - 134,680
14. Gordon Proctor - 110,348
15. k3v - 94,758
16. TiMeSliDeR - 78,548
17. Dave - 74,347
18. Remos - 70,392
19. joebloggs - 64,597
20. CGS - 61,528
21. Burlsey - 57,794
22. garry brown - 50,938
23. eggcup - 49,987
24. Iain Cochran [xenoc] - 35,354
25. geoff - 34,891

1. ToxicTBag - 282,814
2. kolala - 246,292
3. k3v - 94,758
4. Remos - 70,392
5. Nukester - 32,744
6. eggcup - 49,987
7. Pilgrim57 - 21,367
8. Giskard2k - 16,723
9. TheTross - 4,592
10. HITMAN_LEON - 207

An over-enthusiastic extremely warm welcome to our 5 yes 5 new TeamOcUk members Rob - ayhanbilgin - mike - joebloggs - TheUberGeek thanks for choosing this team and adding to our Seti production awesomeness.

Now i know you all have jobs/committments and obligations in the "real" world but would like to call on the collective talents of those that might have a little time to spare. With our impending team stomp of the czech national team ..... booo hisss .... we will have firmly planted ourselves in the worlds top ten. Am thinking we could do with a bit of a facelift around the old team homestead so anyone with any ideas on layout or design changes and someone with a talent for creating some new graphics that would be a start what say yeee?

Regular forum visitors will know this but just a reminder for you all to check the TeamOcUk website link below to see if your crunching efforts have earned you a technicolour marvell fit for display in this very thread! Also if you are crunching on 1 machine only then just drop a message in this thread and i will add you to the single pc users league and if your using gpu's in your crunching efforts let me know that too so i can add "gpu assisted" to your totals as the right honourable TheTross used to do.

Am running a few insane ideas for a team competition around the old brain circuit so keep your eyes open for that in the coming weeks.

Its your team so have your say and chip in with any ideas or thoughts you might have or even just to say "hi i am still alive".

It seems the Rosetta team is in need of our help so swing by the thread and show your support and if you can spare some pc cycles all the better!

As some of you allready know OcUk has been sold to the german company Caseking, am sure there will be plenty of news in the coming weeks and months regarding any changes. Lets hope they take an active interest in our crunching efforts and any changes are minimal and fuss free.

Mr Remos - derv and Tel 2 putting in some cracking tiffytastic material this week but i bow in the mightyness of Mr Meridians megatastical 50,000,000 way to go sah we all owe you for your part :)

Am sure if Mr Halz sah was here he would joing me in welcoming our new german overlords.:)

sprechen sie TBag?

Why We Explore

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Romanian man charged with hacking NASA computers

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In non - seti related news ....

Amazing 'tsunami clouds' engulf tower blocks along Florida coastline

That perfect gift for the one you love on Valentines day :confused:

"Bull testicles pie to give couples the horn on Valentine's Day"

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All Project Stats

1. halz - 22,075,144
2. Ba - 20,407,570
3. Simon Pickard - 4,978,495
4. Stephen Ord - 3,703,276
5. kolala - 3,580,512
6. Gordon Proctor - 3,315,488
7. Meridian - 2,265,874
8. sculptor - 1,983,547
9. NightmareXX - 1,580,832
10. hamesy - 1,335,869
11. Jagen - 1,200,564
12. Team Jolt Cola - 1,003,468
13. AdamH - 922,461
14. Pumpkinstew - 892,315
15. Graham - 868,724
16. Tolien - 837,700
17. shady - 786,987
18. MadMaC - 785,728
19. AndyPRM - 731,999
20. Jimbo - 691,197
21. Tarazed - 546,693
22. ReaVerUK - 541,295
23. piplewis - 537,282
24. TheTross - 517,962
25. Relatively Lawless - 505,605

Recent Average Credit

1. halz - 67,890
2. Ba - 14,058
3. Stephen Ord - 12,906
4. hamesy - 9,439
5. NightmareXX - 6,105
6. TheTross - 4,524
7. lopkinfop - 3,987
8. Gordon Proctor - 3,614
9. Pumpkinstew - 2,995
10. Simon Pickard - 2,995
11. jonathan kendrick - 2,978
12. Free bass - 2,956
13. musicman - 2,507
14. Graham - 2,435
15. Relatively Lawless - 2,156
16. William Lack - 2,110
17. sculptor - 2,043
18. MadMaC - 1,797
19. BrynHeywood - 1,608
20. Mart - 1,102
21. Guru - 912
22. D0gma64 - 532
23. chrislip - 520
24. the_running_man - 475
25. A1Masachist - 263

1. Ba - 336,681,044
2. Phil - 174,739,835
3. Dean - 55,377,659
4. halz - 53,889,368
5. Peter-B - 42,734,368
6. cyclo - 35,248,448
7. CGS - 30,662,244
8. Lee Dixon - 26,915,246
9. kolala - 18,968,245
10. MadMaC - 16,641,612
11. kli - 14,881,346
12. Mike - 11,685,595
13. loudbob - 8,472,043
14. Pondermotive - 8,390,740
15. TwoFace76 - 7,893,003
16. Berserker - 6,201,022
17. Corsair - 4,006,510
18. IrritableRabbit - 4,002,751
19. Team Jolt Cola - 3,259,214
20. Mart - 3,004,403
21. JabyM - 2,461,779
22. lopkinfop - 2,150,245
23. Muke1428 - 2,138,236
24. Grimgoth - 2,083,851
25. Hadley Robert Denton - 2,037,032

Recent Average Credit

1. Phil - 466,370
2. Ba - 249,295
3. Hadley Robert Denton - 100,212
4. lopkinfop - 90,604
5. Dean - 75,121
6. Lee Dixon - 55,959
7. CGS - 54,651
8. the_running_man - 14,907
9. jk123 - 5,353
10. Michael - 5,296
11. Tarqy - 4,691
12. dreadhead - 4,033
13. Chris - 3,855
14. Guru - 3,758
15. Corsair - 1,727
16. Alex - 1,716
17. Jon - 1,692
18. Andy - 1,502
19. BrynHeywood - 1,416
20. Mart - 1,356
21. AdrianO - 1,336
22. Richard - 1,261
23. ReaVerUK - 1,224
24. Jackal - 1,024
25. srupik - 1,006

1. Burlsey - 5,700,878
2. sculptor - 1,965,016
3. magman - 1,862,738
4. NightmareXX - 1,607,525
5. SourChipmunk - 1,212,249
6. Berserker - 1,181,714
7. br83taylor - 1,042,361
8. Team Jolt Cola - 983,386
9. Green Pig - 954,554
10. Biffa - 847,512
11. kolala - 780,626
12. Bigstan - 724,313
13. Steve - 719,533
14. Simon - 579,582
15. Jonathan J D - 569,936
16. Pilgrim57 - 504,805
17. jondi_hanluc - 448,925
18. James - 441,474
19. Borged by MGP - 414,512
20. Russell - 395,466
21. koopa - 377,241
22. debater - 320,115
23. dekez - 287,684
24. MadMaC - 277,829
25. Pumpkinstew - 261,324

Recent Average Credit

1. jondi_hanluc - 12,908
2. kolala - 3,674
3. Senture - 3,473:D
4. Remos - 2,599
5. lopkinfop - 2,245
6. Jonathan J D - 2,198
7. sculptor - 1,877
8. joebloggs - 1,641
9. Steve - 1,572
10. Area 51 - 1,123:eek::D
11. SourChipmunk - 1,071
12. TheTross - 1,012
13. Chasser - 932
14. Sean - 839
15. verbal - 662
16. Pilgrim57 - 625
17. Elbulus - 513
18. derv - 459
19. Tarqy - 442
20. Jackal - 432
21. David - 421
22. MadMaC - 418
23. JoeyJoJo - 406
24. Pumpkinstew - 402
25. Burlsey - 372

1. ed2353 - 6,533,528
2. nedsram-cdl - 6,135,727
3. Ba - 5,016,265
4. Cluster - 3,470,142
5. Pilgrim57 - 2,873,333
6. Burlsey - 2,609,368
7. bully - 2,503,857
8. sculptor - 2,500,608
9. << The_Max STi >> - 2,428,364
10. Team Jolt Cola - 1,967,368
11. William Lack - 1,839,753
12. Jonathan Jeffrey Davis - 1,626,671
13. shady - 1,610,861
14. rameen - 1,410,676
15. Berserker - 1,284,706
16. Zarniwoop - 1,059,747
17. Martin - 1,021,096
18. Mr Ludwig - 1,007,340
19. Ash - 917,618
20. NightmareXX - 895,810
21. CGS - 865,913
22. Jackal - 803,857
23. RTS - 655,483
24. Loudbob - 653,699
25. Simon255 - 515,261

Recent Average Credit

1. Ba - 22,133
2. ed2353 - 10,141
3. Jackal - 3,134
4. nedsram-cdl - 2,457
5. Pilgrim57 - 2,362
6. sculptor - 2,111
7. Jonathan Jeffrey Davis - 1,788
8. William Lack - 1,340
9. shady - 1,092
10. Ash - 819
11. Guru - 571
12. JoeyJoJo - 502
13. Martin - 461
14. TwoFace76 - 360
15. Free bass - 334
16. VidX - 326
17. Burlsey - 155
18. Cluster - 154
19. Mark128 - 135
20. BrynHeywood - 89
21. the_running_man - 78
22. Luke - 7
23. kinnison - 7
24. Andrew Powers - 5
25. Sunbirn - 4


1. shady - 578,977
2. Jagen - 249,656
3. Borged by MGP - 240,114
4. Meridian - 191,272
5. magman - 127,268
6. Dave Early - 116,396
7. rameen - 75,121
8. Bungle_Bear - 74,095
9. TwoFace76 - 73,394
10. Tolien - 62,568
11. Team Jolt Cola - 47,957
12. Tarazed - 36,203
13. steg - 34,497
14. Biffa - 33,876
15. Raymond Evans - 33,013
16. Geoff - 30,323
17. Team Caffeine - 25,698
18. richard smith - 23,878
19. ab - 23,217
20. stegoman - 22,673
21. ace_dent - 22,290
22. Edmund Haworth - 19,237
23. bobuk - 18,902
24. mark2410 - 18,293
25. Ba - 18,084

Recent Average Credit

1. WillLack - 10
2. Raymond Evans - 9
3. TwoFace76 - 6
4. Chrislip - 4
5. jeremy - 3
6. Shining69 - 2
7. the_running_man - 1
8. edgedemon - 1
9. Jez - 1
10. Geoff - 1


1. ReaVerUK - 82,793
2. Geoff - 50,374
3. SteveT - 49,820
4. Corsair - 36,680
5. Naphtha - 12,971
6. lopkinfop - 4,981
7. DavidM - 3,631
8. ALC - 1,938
9. BrynHeywood - 424

Recent Average Credit

1. ReaVerUK - 705
2. SteveT - 669
3. Geoff - 398
4. lopkinfop - 248
5. Corsair - 51
6. BrynHeywood - 7
7. DavidM - 4
Last edited:
Ta for the news Tbag - 'tis quiet 'round these parts of late....... :confused:

Innit just :)

I was caught slacking with the lack of news last week but with a team stomp imminent and the return of a few welcome faces am sure it'll rattle into gear sooner rather than later :)
I know BA is ahead of me, but I thought you might notice this:


And I hadn't noticed the Test4Theory team before, so I've joined that.


Awesomeness indeedly doodly i have of course altered the news to include your achievement i apologise for missing that .... age ... bifocals you know how it is :eek::)

Your welcome chaps Lord Chasser of Chasser Towers the one and only TheTross the ever sarcy and often humorous mr Biffa :rolleyes: and are we to take it the "wandering Mr Area 51" is home to stay? :)

Nice to see Mr Loudbob back in the area too .... i knew no amount of nuclear submarines would keep him interested for that long :)
Hey Toxic. Just joined SETI to do my "time" hehe...

Morning Culinia :)

Good to have you aboard sah if your a single pc user do you want me to add you to the single pc users league? :)

Only for Rosetta I'm afraid. There is a lot going on behind the scenes @ GPUUG that will be benefit S@H greatly both in the short and long term that I want to continue to play a part in - I will say no more at this stage.:cool:

That sounds promising it's still good to have you back and helping out with Rosetta :)
Nice tiffys Mr derv and Mr Reaver i will never catch u at this rate i cannot seem to snag any gpu tasks, i have managed to join the Test4Theory group though. Not sure of my way around with virtual machines but think i will try and grasp how to run more than one t4t task today.
Ahh not to worry it'll work out with seti sooner rather than later i hope.
Me and multiple virtual machines do not get along, before i started tinkering my first t4t task completed in 24 hours the next one "stuck" at 65 percent then the next at 33 percent grrrrrr ..... will leave it and try again tommorrow:)
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