SETI@Home & OcUk Projects News Vol. 174 7th April - 27th April 2012

8 Mar 2010

STOMP CLOCK - Team 2ch - 365+ Days

Total Credit - 856,393,759

Crunched this week - 6,532,510

Current World Position - 9th

RAC - 888,870

Current RAC Rank - 8th

Members With Credit - 1293

Active Members - 184

Teams Stomped - 0 :(

Teams Stomped By - 0 :D

Splitters -0 0 :D

New Members - 6:D

Sarah - Bazso - Sy - Mel - Tom

1. SETI.USA - 3,178,707,522
2. SETI.Germany - 2,697,198,232
3. GPU Users Group - 2,452,991,909
4. SETI@Netherlands - 1,585,598,759
5. L'Alliance Francophone - 1,355,212,474
6. The Knights Who Say Ni! - 1,115,038,052
7. - 1,007,674,363
8. Team 2ch - 970,703,836
9. OcUK - Overclockers UK - 856,393,759
10. Czech National Team - 841,076,008
11. BOINC Synergy - 778,541,519
12. Team China - 778,276,558
13. BOINC@Taiwan - 766,833,083
14. Team Starfire - 689,550,201
15. The Planetary Society - 672,647,256
16. Canada - 596,279,029
17. BOINC@AUSTRALIA - 592,187,571
18. TeAm AnandTech - 590,645,600
19. Team Starfire World BOINC - 573,102,976
20. US NAVY - 557,964,458

1. GPU Users Group - 5,829,392
2. SETI.Germany - 3,853,687
3. SETI.USA - 2,550,561
4. SETI@Netherlands - 1,622,866
5. L'Alliance Francophone - 1,127,458
6. - 1,035,264
7. BOINC@Taiwan - 1,014,576
8. OcUK - Overclockers UK - 888,870
9. Team 2ch - 853,109
10. The Knights Who Say Ni! - 761,055
11. Canada - 735,214
12. TeAm AnandTech - 663,971
13. BOINC SETI@home RUSSIA - 663,155
14. Czech National Team - 657,124
15. SAIC: From Science to Solutions - 648,867
16. BOINC@AUSTRALIA - 605,210
17. The Planetary Society - 592,585
18. Team China - 551,606
19. Sicituradastra. - 538,264
20. Team Starfire - 518,810

1. BA - 57,816,050
2. Meridian - 51,689,566
3. ReaVerUK - 47,817,664
4. ToxicTBag - 41,645,826
5. MadMaC - 32,490,358
6. br83taylor - 30,403,734
7. Burlsey - 24,946,076
8. loudbob - 22,976,279
9. Grimgoth - 21,131,416
10. Mr Ludwig - 20,264,561
11. halz - 19,548,430
12. Simon - 18,868,334
13. kolala - 17,218,166
14. pnutty - 16,833,133
15. Ross Graham - 16,541,344
16. GrandMasterD - 16,035,801
17. Dave - 15,903,085
18. CGS - 15,764,742
19. k3v - 15,256,103
20. Dave - 14,776,136

1. derv - 113,498
2. loudbob - 83,418
3. ReaVerUK - 76,853
4. Dave - 67,321
5. ToxicTBag - 56,328
6. MadMaC - 47,332
7. kolala - 40,824
8. Ross Graham - 38,625
9. br83taylor - 37,067
10. GrandMasterD - 35,669
11. BA - 29,413
12. Tel2 - 26,187
13. Gordon Proctor - 18,400
14. Grimgoth - 17,560
15. k3v - 15,183
16. Meridian - 14,994
17. CGS - 14,535
18. Tom Nunamaker - 12,597
19. Chasser - 11,888
20. eggcup - 10,004

1. ReaverUk - 47,500,000
2. kolala - 17,000,000
3. derv - 7,000,000
4. derv - 6,000,000
5. eggcup - 2,000,000
6. Tel - 1,500,000 - Milkyway
7. kolala - 1,000,000 - Rosetta
8. Stickman - 100,000
9. Stickman - 75,000
10. will - 25,000

1. derv - 806,798
2. loudbob - 662,737
3. Dave - 561,344
4. ReaVerUK - 533,198
5. ToxicTBag - 429,634
6. MadMaC - 372,070
7. GrandMasterD - 316,146
8. kolala - 304,572
9. br83taylor - 290,632
10. Ross Graham - 261,753
11. BA - 192,017
12. Tel2 - 135,137
13. Gordon Proctor - 124,360
14. k3v - 120,133
15. CGS - 107,433
16. Grimgoth - 96,124
17. Meridian - 95,151
18. Burlsey - 92,691
19. eggcup - 69,909
20. joebloggs - 69,534

1. kolala - 304,572 - Gpu assisted
2. k3v - 120,133
3. eggcup - 69,909 - Gpu assisted
4. Culinia - 58,823
5. Giskard2k - 42,716
6. Stickman - 40,013 - Gpu assisted
7. Pilgrim57 - 23,500
8. Nukester - 623

A warm welcome to our new team members Sarah - Bazso - Sy - Mel - Tom, if there is anything you need help with just post your question in the news thread and someone will be along to help sharpish.
Be sure to check the team ocuk website link below to see if your crunching efforts have earned you a prized tiffy fit for display in this very thread and if your about to overtake someone in the stats issue them a stomp warning to get there attention!

Apologies for the lack of news the last few weeks its back on track now and will continue as normal on a weekly basis, i might be able to maintain 50,000 per day but something "unexpected" has turned up and i am forced to part with a rig :(

When compiling the news from a template i inadvertantly omitted the credit to Halz for creation of the graphics used in the news have put that right.

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Of course it can - just ask Bruce Willis! :)

Is dairy cow mad? Or just looking to put a little bit more shake into her milk?

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All Project Stats
Graphics used in the news thread created and reproduced courtesy of Halz

Stomp Clock - Providence Christian School - 7 days

1. Peter-B - 56,359,309
2. Ba - 49,801,845
3. Phil - 22,173,906
4. loudbob - 20,688,584
5. JabyM - 5,011,183
6. Demonstag - 3,664,768
7. chris9140 - 2,519,592
8. CGS - 2,351,424
9. tyrael2b - 2,331,718
10. satman - 1,897,112
11. Andrew - 1,490,511
12. gribzy - 1,466,281
13. Aarron - 1,223,171
14. TheTross - 1,088,036
15. Derek - 1,072,110
16. Duncey - 983,168
17. Fluff - 966,707
18. Shining69 - 821,373
19. Jamie - 817,476
20. TheUberGeek - 795,471

Recent Average Credit

1. Peter-B - 135,882
2. Demonstag - 105,730
3. Duncey - 34,758
4. Andrew - 27,299
5. chris9140 - 23,740
6. Phil - 22,731
7. loudbob - 19,097
8. Jamie - 15,671
9. CaptainUnlikely - 6,841
10. gribzy - 6,409
11. Ba - 4,711
12. Shining69 - 4,551
13. TheTross - 1,699
14. TheUberGeek - 478
15. Biffa - 439
16. Derek - 180
17. tyrael2b - 150
18. tjluk - 95
19. Cruize - 37
20. BrynHeywood - 15

Stomp Clock - University of Glasgow - 142 days

1. halz - 25,925,661
2. Ba - 21,002,070
3. shaf* - 7,230,290
4. Simon Pickard - 5,224,753
5. kolala - 4,073,512
6. Stephen Ord - 4,068,358
7. Gordon Proctor - 3,722,228
8. Meridian - 2,265,874
9. hamesy - 2,183,929
10. NightmareXX - 2,179,699
11. sculptor - 2,135,047
12. Jagen - 1,200,564
13. Pumpkinstew - 1,199,815
14. Graham - 1,032,634
15. Team Jolt Cola - 1,003,468
16. MadMaC - 931,133
17. AdamH - 922,461
18. ReaVerUK - 883,795
19. Tolien - 837,700
20. shady - 786,987

Recent Average Credit

1. halz - 42,535
2. hamesy - 10,297
3. NightmareXX - 8,963
4. Gordon Proctor - 5,844
5. Pumpkinstew - 3,622
6. William Lack - 3,492
7. Simon Pickard - 3,132
8. Relatively Lawless - 2,926
9. jonathan kendrick - 2,907
10. Graham - 2,228
11. Stephen Ord - 2,042
12. Ba - 2,036
13. sculptor - 1,787
14. kolala - 1,695
15. Guru - 1,565
16. MartinBen - 1,510
17. TheTross - 1,503
18. Ingleberry - 1,493
19. Corsair - 394
20. Hepat1c - 393

Stomp Clock - Xtrem Team Boinc Addicted - 30 days

1. Ba - 347,317,219
2. Phil - 244,728,285
3. Dean - 64,821,767
4. halz - 54,000,977
5. Peter-B - 42,739,643
6. cyclo - 35,248,448
7. CGS - 35,095,022
8. Lee Dixon - 33,681,938
9. kolala - 18,968,245
10. MadMaC - 16,659,357
11. kli - 15,026,500
12. Mike - 11,685,595
13. NEORED - 9,511,874
14. loudbob - 8,750,511
15. Pondermotive - 8,486,656
16. TwoFace76 - 7,938,111
17. Berserker - 6,201,022
18. Hadley Robert Denton - 4,605,070
19. Corsair - 4,161,521
20. IrritableRabbit - 4,002,751

Recent Average Credit

1. Phil - 1,398,649
2. Dean - 161,140
3. Tel - 75,799
4. Lee Dixon - 69,116
5. CGS - 59,447
6. Demonstag - 53,045
7. NEORED - 41,054
8. Jon -31,349
9. the_running_man - 28,399
10. Ba - 23,974
11. Jamie - 9,983
12. Hadley Robert Denton - 8,205
13. Andy - 6,806
14. Michael - 6,161
15. dreadhead - 6,026
16. Stickman - 5,644
17. jk123 - 5,615
18. Guru - 4,223
19. Curtis Perdue - 2,987
20. kli - 2,890

Stomp Clock - Prohardver! - 9 days

1. Burlsey - 5,716,305
2. sculptor - 2,127,626
3. magman - 1,862,738
4. NightmareXX - 1,607,525
5. SourChipmunk - 1,296,988
6. Berserker - 1,241,177
7. br83taylor - 1,042,361
8. kolala - 1,014,296
9. Team Jolt Cola - 983,386
10. Green Pig - 954,554
11. Steves_pc - 905,127
12. Biffa - 890,313
13. Bigstan - 724,313
14. Jonathan J D - 677,880
15. Simon - 579,582
16. Pilgrim57 - 562,210
17. Remos - 489,758
18. jondi_hanluc - 462,498
19. dekez - 460,294
20. James - 453,580

Recent Average Credit

1. MartinBen - 5,290
2. Remos - 5,060
3. dekez - 5,048
4. Steves_pc - 2,871
5. sculptor - 2,185
6. Berserker - 1,455
7. TheMongoose - 1,436
8. Jonathan J D - 1,301
9. Area 51 - 1,236
10. Biffa - 1,149
11. loudbob - 1,036
12. kolala - 943
13. Pilgrim57 - 902
14. SourChipmunk - 872
15. CaptainUnlikely - 852
16. James - 791
17. verbal - 777
18. Andrew - 549
19. the_running_man - 504
20. JoeyJoJo - 441

Stomp Clock - SETI.USA - 25 days

1. ed2353 - 7,344,894
2. Ba - 7,143,688
3. nedsram-cdl - 6,430,203
4. Cluster - 3,476,789
5. Pilgrim57 - 3,031,382
6. sculptor - 2,755,729
7. Burlsey - 2,640,791
8. bully - 2,503,857
9. << The_Max STi >> - 2,428,364
10. William Lack - 1,974,539
11. Team Jolt Cola - 1,967,368
12. Jonathan Jeffrey Davis - 1,788,610
13. shady - 1,653,521
14. rameen - 1,410,676
15. Berserker - 1,284,706
16. Martin - 1,072,519
17. Ash - 1,070,163
18. Zarniwoop - 1,059,747
19. Mr Ludwig - 1,007,340
20. NightmareXX - 895,810

Recent Average Credit

1. Ba - 7,826
2. ed2353 - 7,634
3. sculptor - 2,493
4. nedsram-cdl - 2,105
5. Jonathan Jeffrey Davis - 2,070
6. Pilgrim57 - 2,038
7. MartinBen - 1,600
8. Guru - 1,371
9. William Lack - 1,333
10. VidX - 1,316
11. Ash - 744
12. Burlsey - 703
13. Martin - 626
14. TwoFace76 - 550
15. JoeyJoJo - 516
16. Zack - 469
17. dekez - 194
18. BrynHeywood - 109
19. shady - 108
20. Sunbirn - 78


Stomp Clock - BOINC.BE - 365+ days

1. shady - 578,977
2. Jagen - 249,656
3. Borged by MGP - 240,114
4. Meridian - 191,272
5. magman - 127,268
6. Dave Early - 116,396
7. rameen - 75,121
8. Bungle_Bear - 74,095
9. TwoFace76 - 73,479
10. Tolien - 62,568
11. Team Jolt Cola - 47,957
12. Tarazed - 36,203
13. steg -34,497
14. Biffa - 33,876
15. Raymond Evans - 33,047
16. Geoff - 30,323
17. Team Caffeine - 25,698
18. richard smith - 23,878
19. ab - 23,217
20. stegoman - 22,673

Recent Average Credit

1. MartinBen - 1


Stomp Clock - Open University - 365+ days

1. ReaVerUK - 130,950
2. Meridian - 80,496
3. SteveT - 73,433
4. Geoff - 65,337
5. Corsair - 45,800
6. Ingleberry - 21,039
7. Naphtha - 12,971
8. lopkinfop - 4,981
9. DavidM - 4,899
10. ALC - 1,938
11. ToxicTBag - 1,830
12. BrynHeywood - 671

Recent Average Credit

1. ReaVerUK - 641
2. Corsair - 170
3. Meridian - 158
4. SteveT - 157
5. Ingleberry - 71
6. Geoff - 6
7. DavidM - 4
Last edited:
Cheers for the news T :)

Your welcome Mr dekez sah :)

Cheers for the news, gives me an idea where I fit in in the team rankings now being as I'm a recent addition :)
Having to really fight the urge to add hardware piecemeal, need to control myself until later this year...

Afternoon CaptainUnlikely, now why would you deny yourself something like new pc hardware the urge will allways win in the end may as well dooooooooitttttt now :)
You got me there! I'm lacking industry sources nowadays heh.
I just know there's supposed to be another card released with better compute performance, because as good as the 680 is for gaming, it's not quite as impressive in folding or crunching, so I'll be holding out for the next model.

Sorry keep forgetting sah :o It'll certainly be interesting whatever comes ... and expensive :)

Thank you for the news TTB. Think I might print this out to remember being at the #1 spot for RAC... before Loudbob stomps me into the floor :D

How is your 580 rig coming along?

Your welcome Dave, main thing is you got up there once you can do it anytime at will now :)
The 580 rig .... i ...errrr .... its on its way out:o Had something unexpected come up so its going to have to go to raise funds :(:)
Feel like a ninety year old sat on a park bench :) aye was expensive but damn it was fun ... am taking another side step this week Mr Edge sah ... but am working on something amazing that could come into being in the next 3 weeks to a month .... chances look good and all me digits are crossed ;)
All connected up - running pressure/leak test.......

One fitting leaking on bottom GPU........


Luckily - I have spares

:) Am looking forward to this .... free screensavers all round ;)

Thanks TTB. It's looking like I should be able to hit about 10,000 ppd.

One question: does anyone know how I can see my rac from my earliest days on seti (few years ago running just a power efficient dual core 2.5GHz AMD 4850e)... just want to see how much improvement the new tech has made. :)

Am not sure there are others more knowledgeable than i on the subject (which is just a diplomatic way of saying they have been around from year dot!) :eek::D

Thatnks for the news - glad it's back. I always read even if I don't post, and all these ideas about GPUs has me thinking - how many should I run on my 560ti here. 1GB RAM and 384 cores


Your welcome Mr FluffySheep sah, i would certainly be looking at running 2 tasks per gpu with that card, do you have it overclocked at all? :)
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