Seti WUs von 1999

Yeah, I guess they're re-analysing the old WUs with a better client.

That and the probability they still haven't got the new receiver working.
This is what it said in the technical news section:
"Some news: The new data recorder is fully functioning down at Arecibo now. We already have a couple 500GB drives full of data here at the lab. We're waiting on drive enclosure parts before reading these drives. Some tweaks to the splitter (which converts data to workunits) are being made so we can start sending out this new data.

Meanwhile, we're still sending out regular data in its current form. Some have noticed that older tapes are being converted into workunits. We ran out of "new" data to analyze so the current data tapes being used have one of the following qualities:

* tapes never used for fear they were far too contaminated with RFI (and therefore shelved because at the time we had plenty of tapes less likely to contain RFI)
* tapes that, for some reason, never got fully analyzed the first time around (really old versions of the clients, the splitter broke because of an outage and workunits only got partially generated, etc.)
* tapes that, for some reason, returned some data but far less than expected, and therefore never got fully migrated to our master science database and we want to give these tapes a second try"

So yeah, it's old data, but it's new old data!
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