Setting resolution blindly

2 Aug 2004
The moon
Short story:
Parents got HDTV
I plugged my PC into it (after setting to 800x600, thought it would support this then once it's started change to better).
The PC started up and it's saying 'mode not supported'.

Now is there an easyish way to change the resolution on a PC if you can't see what you're doing? I can't be bothered to either move my monitor or the PC back to it.


edit: I've figured out the keys to restart in safe mode, so I guess I can have a crack from there.
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Got it booted in safe mode, 640x480 magicness.
Will look into what to do now :D
JoyPadJedi said:
Try this - do the usual F8 to get to the boot menu but instead of choosing Safe Mode, choose VGA mode. You should then be able to change the res.
Will do.
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