Setting up a Synology router with BTHomeHub

22 Aug 2010
On the Wagon-East Angular
Allo all. I recently acquired an RT6600ax router that I was hoping to use with a HomeHub. I was hoping it would be plug and play, but alas it's not.

I like the functionality the Sylnology would offer over the HH - QOS, being able to limit connected wifi devices at certain times, better wifi, guest wifi etc so really would like to use it. Can anyone give me some pointers about how I might go about getting it to work? I've connected it to the HH but when it comes to getting the Synology connected to the internet, I'm getting stuck. The auto function doesn't seem to work, so a bit out of my depth tbh. Help really appreciated! Cheers
What broadband connection do you have? If you’re on FTTC you’ll need a VDSL modem. If you’re on FTTP plug the new router directly into the ONT.
Cheers for the reply - we're FTTC and the hub is a Smarthub 2 with a connection type of: Fibre Broadband (VDSL)
Not sure if the home hub supports bridge mode, that would be your best best. Or buy a VDSL modem off eBay. Should be pretty cheap then you won’t need the HH.
Lan from HH into Wan on the Synology. Fix the IP that the synology is given. Turn the firewall off on the HH and put the synology IP in the DMZ.

Or get a vdsl modem like a vigor 130 or an open reach modem.
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