Setting up Itunes/Library on a new computer?

13 May 2008
Just thought I would ask the question, even though I bet its really straight forward.

My mate had his Itunes library, current Ipod synced to his old laptop. Now this weekend, he cracked the screen on the laptop, so he thought he would take advantage of the boxing day sales and has now bought a new laptop.

When he plugs his Ipod into his new laptop, itunes tells him to connect the ipod to the original computer it was registered to. (the broke one now).

I had ran a backup and now have all his Itunes library ready to put onto his new laptop, is it just a case of transfering them onto the Documents and settings/my music/Itunes/Itunes Library? then when he runs Itunes on the new laptop, the songs will be there, and he just re-syncs. Or is they more he needs to do? transfer Itunes system files?

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