Setting up more than one FTP advice

23 Mar 2009
I want to set up more than one FTP to be available outside my LAN. I currently have one setup which is my NAS drive. Port 21 is open on my router for the NAS.

I recently came across an old server from work that no one wanted so I thought I'd make use of it.

I'm using Filezilla server to use it as a FTP server. I'm struggling to get connected to it outside the my LAN though.

Any help would be much appreciated guys :D
Set it to another port, possibly 22 if you don't run SSH for anything.

I'm assuming you only have one public IP.
Yup just allow the other ports. Else you could use symlinks or mount points etc to mount the servers shares within your current FTP setup. Saves opening more firewall holes etc.
Yep different ports and then forwarding those ports should be all you need.

As a side note, if you're running Linux servers then use SFTP rather than FTP.
I'd recomment using a port over 1024 just incase you want to use other services. Usually i go for 5021 or something on LAN. WAN facing the more obscure the better as port 20 and 21 open might attract unwanted attention.
Though never rely on security by obscurity alone, SFTP would be a good idea AS WELL AS obfuscating the well known port.
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