setting up mysql database help

1 Feb 2006
Hi all I have recently installed WAMP on my machine and want to have a play around with it.. I am looking to create a database and then add users and set up a simple login screen and get it working...

A few questions:

1) is wamp secure on its default installation?

2) is it best to create the DB in phpmyadmin or to use scripts to create it?

3) if querying the database how do i send passwords to access it? or do i have an anonymous userid without a password?

4) If wanting to put my DB online how can I go about it, and is it portable?

these questions may sound very amateurish but i really dont have a clue about it!

1) is wamp secure on its default installation?
Not really an issue as it's only running on your local machine.

2) is it best to create the DB in phpmyadmin or to use scripts to create it?
You could write the SQL to create the database but there isn't all that much point unless you're keen to learn.

3) if querying the database how do i send passwords to access it? or do i have an anonymous userid without a password?
I *think* the default login for a WAMP setup is root/root. Querying the database depends on what you're doing... PHP?

4) If wanting to put my DB online how can I go about it, and is it portable?
PHPMyAdmin will let you export the SQL and you can import it into another database easily enough.

Hope this was helpful
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