Setting up the 360 with my flat screen...?

PiKe said:
Using a VGA cable which are like Rocking Horse Poo.

Nah i saw loads today while i was out looking for the Advanced Scart, now thats like rocking horse poo, i could have got one, but i don't fancy using it on my TFT as its only a 17 incher (ohh err) and its not wide (ohh err again). :D
Strangely, where I lived I have seen several Advanced Scart leads, yet when I managed to purchase a VGA cable from gamestation (I dont think they are a competitor?) they said that was the only VGA cable they have ever seen. I had a feeling I was going to get robbed for it ;)

Strange, things you dont want you always see, yet no one else does :)
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