settings perhaps

7 Jul 2006
Stoke on Trent
Hi all

I was just wondering.

Yesterday spent the whole day at work pretty much playing with the cam(minolta dynax 7d - with a sigma 80- 210 lens)

The camera is for work, so boss was happy that i spent the day getting used to it lol

Any way
took some pics in side, and was getting lots of shake (even with our cheap tripod - got to look for a better one soon) the shake icon was coming on the cam, bu tmost of the pics seemed ok, needs lots of practice till I will call them acceptable.

Went outside to take some pics.

With the ISO at 100 (saw that on one of the threads here) I seemed to be able to reduce the shake effect and get soem nice pics (for me at least) of flowers and the like.

But when one of my co-workers came out I took a few of her and they seemed a little blury round the edges on some.

The pics directly from the camera are 3 meg files, so I guess I need to reduce them to post them here

for manipulation I am using MGI Photsuite 3
is that genearally accpetable (its a pretty simply proggy) or shoudl I really be moving up to the more advanced program


ok just tried to insert a pic here, and realised i dont have a clue how to do it lol

Time to start searching host for my pics i guess
ok sorted my photbucket out (new i had registered at one time)

first pic

second one

remember i am a newbie to the lvl of 2 days with dslr, so I will improve over time, i hope
yeah i turned that on, and all it seems to do is, noit let me take the pic if im not steady.

was expecting more from it really. but liek i say there are an awful lot of settings to learn, took me about 2 hours to find the Autofocus button lol

The manual that came with it was very vague, but there is a CD manual, I guess I should take the time to go through that, will probably save me a lot of time, and save you all reading a lot of stupid question posts here, but well I will hold my hands up, I am still far too interested in getting the cam and just playing.
thanks for the tips.

very gratefull (just waiting for the battery to charge up now so i can play some more)
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