Sex for fish

17 Mar 2009
Sat here at work on my lunch break and nearly spat half my drink out when i saw this title.

The shores of Lake Victoria in western Kenya bustle with business - wooden fishing boats competing for space, carrying in the morning catch of tilapia, perch or catfish.

Under the scorching sun, the fishermen bargain with those queuing up to buy: mainly women, who hope to make a small profit at the local market.

But in this deeply poor part of Kenya, the transaction between fisherman and female market seller is rarely a financial one.

The currency is sex, not money: women selling their bodies in the hope of taking back a prize catch.

The practice is known colloquially as "sex for fish" - or, in the Luo language of the area, "jaboya".

I've entered the dark place of the BEEB again and the article wasnt quite what i expected!

Sex for Pc parts anyone?
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