sff? bet its HUGE compared to mine


So I take it it's not got any actual PC components in it, it's just like a small terminal?

Still exceptionally cool though. :cool:
No way - that thing is huge!

You want one of THESE - :D http://www.repubblica.it/2006/05/gallerie/scienzaetecnologia/micro-pc/1.html
must admit. that wall socket thin client would be somewhat useful.

Imagine something like that combined with Homeplug - wired lan over your mains system..Businesses could save a FORTUNE on those..

Can't see them taking off much in the home though.. most ppl will just get a laptop. Maybe in our.. superenthusiast market, some people will get them.. am thinking, like, for childrens rooms, etc

Could quite do with that kind of thing out in the garage actually.. the old P2 rig i have out there now isnt going to last forever. Tis a bit much to spend on a connection out in the garage.

They should make these thin clients with all the relevant digital audio outs, and TV type outputs.. then they would really have a place in the home market, as AV devices :D
Skree said:
Imagine something like that combined with Homeplug - wired lan over your mains system..Businesses could save a FORTUNE on those..
No they wouldn't. Homeplug is unreliable and slow (and expensive), and thin clients just shift the cost from the desktop to the server.

Thin clients have their place, but it's for things like public access terminals, not business desktops.
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