SFF Flying/Travelling?

8 Nov 2008
Anyone fly with a SFF system? I'm due a laptop upgrade but wondering if I could get a non-gaming laptop and an SFF?

Thinking behind this is that I could use the steam streaming capability and/or a hotel TV when I travel...

Chances of an SFF system travelling safely in hand luggage? Stupid idea?
you'd need a flight case or reinforced case with a handle - not sure how many of those are out there.

When I used to tour in a band I flew with a suitcase modular synth which which was around the same size as a small factor pc. Got some funny looks & questions at security but was fine with taking it as a carry on.

i'd be a bit worried about flying with a watercooled system though!
Well do you want a GPU or onboard? Sugo SG5 will fit in a backpack (I think). plus you can have a real GPU... ISK 300-150 looks good for onboard gpu boards...
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I have been wondering this myself. When i finish my degree next May im moving to Thailand and im wanting to take my SFF PC with me. (Sugo SG13) It fits in my carry on bag but its whether they let me on the plane with it? In theory its only the same as taking a laptop.
There's a lot of generic/fake Peli cases sold simply as "waterproof case", which come in lots of sizes, are dirt cheap, and come with foam ready to cut into a shape of your choice. Assuming SFF means less than 290x350x550 then chances are you'll find something.
Travelling with SFF is no problem, at least in Europe, hell I've flown to and fro with a full system as well. Goes without saying, always as hand luggage. There's not too much stress on it either, so you don't have to worry about it getting damaged during the flight, but obviously anything to attenuate movements helps (I generally just used clothes & such).
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