I'm looking at buying a new guitar. It'll most likely be the Epiphone versions, which are rated very highly against their Gibson counterparts. However I can't decide whether I'd prefer the SG or Les Paul. I like the look and sound of both of them, the Les Paul is the more bluesy style guitar I've heard, yet you see many rock bands using them.
I've not had a chance to play either of them first-hand yet, if someone who owns either (both would be great) could post some sound samples showing their tone differences that would be nice, it's hard to find sound clips playing the same riff. I play pretty much anything, from rock and metal to nice blues style riffs.
So, what would you personally prefer?
I've not had a chance to play either of them first-hand yet, if someone who owns either (both would be great) could post some sound samples showing their tone differences that would be nice, it's hard to find sound clips playing the same riff. I play pretty much anything, from rock and metal to nice blues style riffs.
So, what would you personally prefer?